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Everything posted by reno

  1. lol favre slips in falls, great 3 interception performance!
  2. reno

    Gimme Pizza

  3. Andrew: scarrred fishsticks1127: nah i just want to have sex with a baby corpse fishsticks1127: before i turn 30 Andrew: damn fishsticks1127: its on my bucket list ya know? Andrew: i guess fishsticks1127: dont judge me Andrew: u should [expletive] a cow Andrew: or an animal Andrew: is that legal? fishsticks1127: babies turn me on fishsticks1127: with their fishsticks1127: spit up fishsticks1127: n crying Andrew: ew fishsticks1127: i have full control of them fishsticks1127: n no teeth Andrew: lo l wow fishsticks1127: talk about a blow job fishsticks1127: m just thinking about one of them babies right now fishsticks1127: makes me want tor un to a hospital fishsticks1127: and get it in fishsticks1127: mmm babies Andrew: would u use protection? fishsticks1127: nope Andrew: y not fishsticks1127: takes away from the pleasure Andrew: good point Andrew: but wat about not giving dem n std? fishsticks1127: oo wells Andrew: what if der mommy catches u? fishsticks1127: ask if she wants a 3 way? Andrew: what if she is holding another baby fishsticks1127: is that considered a 4 way? Andrew: idk is it? fishsticks1127:depends on the activity level of the fetus
  4. I guarantee you there will not be an nba/nfl lockout, it just wont happen.
  5. You can make a point on who was better in the beatles, and who was better as a solo career, as they both were considerably different. Who do you prefer, and why? http://battleofearth.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/johnlennon090210.jpg vs http://crunchgear.com/wp-content/uploads/r067-paul-mccartney-gtrmsg76.jpg
  6. Hopefully he recovers speedily and soundly, urlacher had a similar injury once..
  7. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_vOnUhEzwwUw/TL9jXpuIZxI/AAAAAAAAAjI/ILVa9WP56_E/s800/Screen%20shot%202010-10-20%20at%204.46.20%20PM.png I miss the sex cannon, maybe mcnabb can take a day off and let him play against his old team, would be something special.
  8. Democrats, Republicans, same body, different head. Illuminati does not care what you believe in.
  9. And no, not the boston tea party or the one with Alis and wonderland. I'm talking about the big political one thats going on in current affairs, whats your thoughts on it? http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm78/tesonator/TeaBagApocalypsebiggercopy.jpg
  10. lol i just saw this on the news, i laughed. The guy reminds me of a walrus
  11. cool read, nfc is just very lackluster this year. One of the worst years in recent memory in terms of talent for the nfc. A lot of the teams have pretty big issue, whoever wins the afc championship game will have a cakewalk for the sb win.
  12. These refs are obviously paid off, carroll and his cheating ways. Manning returns kickoff for a td, holding call when hes already clear for the open? They couldnt even show where the holding was, just must have been a holding... And now that mis snap fumble? False start? You kidding me? Anywhere, bears are a bad team, so I'm but still. NFL is soo rigged. My stream is really behind btw.
  13. Not happening, this is a bears game.
  14. If anyone is interested in the cheat to unlock the creating a legend mode without doing the jordan challenge, here it is. http://www.pastapadre.com/2010/10/12/unlock-creating-a-legend-mode-in-nba-2k11
  15. ok, I have been sick for the past week, since last saturday to be exact. And I noticed, that whenever I have been getting it off, I have been [expletive] a lot more lately. It just oozes out with an incredible amount.I think it may be because of all the cold medicine and ibuprofen I have been taking, but who knows. Has anyone else experienced a similar correlation between being sick and releasing more semen?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuw3CUOc3U0&feature=channel&has_verified=1
  17. Lets end the game favre style, interception plz!
  18. Was it over when the Gremans bombed Pearl Harbor?
  19. That's horrible, if I was the firefighters I would have disobeyed my orders and the put the fire out myself.
  20. I deseeeeeeeeeeeeeeerve to be treated better than this. Any chance on some pics of the girl? But yah idk, seems like your friend is very needy/, has he had a gf before?
  21. Used to be my favorite show, like I would run home just to watch it. I was addicted. When goku first went super sayen, it was so epic. Freza saga was the best. And the spirit bomb. After the boo saga is when i started to lose my patients with the whole, 5 episodes=1 min of actual play time.
  22. Gosh packer fans and their excuses, have fun finishing 3rd/4th in the division, behind da bears, vikings, and possibly lions.. Rodgers is a bad qb, and your defense always cheats.
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