im just wondering, i didnt even know about 48 hour codes. and if you don't have the time right now as you stated, do you really need to be playing xbox?
He can barely walk, his life sucks, he's constantly gawked at... and you guys wanna be like him? He obviously can't play basketball because he walks with crutches and even if he could he wouldn't last more than 20 games in a season.
I agree, I was hoping for 100% but now that's dropped completely. I met with my counselor today and she said I'm probably gonna get into UF which is good because there's a 95% I'll go there even if I get accepted into all the others. I love UM but it's crazy expensive.
he's shooting a free throw in the first one, where he's relaxed whereas in the last two he's going up for a jumpshot. it probably sounds ridiculous but think about when you're in game action going up for a shot.