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Everything posted by J-Rat

  1. 1. it's not like your youth is so good that they can take time away from AI, he's clearly better 2. didnt you draft rudy gay and trade him for battier? yeah.
  2. Tiger, and if don't think so then watch golf.
  3. so far its pretty good pause...
  4. no do rangs, just do rags
  5. blazers, god dammit i bought a greg oden jersey a few months ago with the old design
  6. Heath Miller > Joey Porter? lol
  7. 1. Albert Pujols 2. Miguel Cabrera 3. Joe Mauer
  8. Lamar Odom got a 400 on the SAT, which you get for writing your name
  9. Philly? The Heat are better them them, the 76ers don't have Andre Miller and Chalmers and Beasley are gonna develop even more.
  10. that didnt make any sense.. and brennan's a pimp!
  11. Idk the order but... senior year: AP Calc BC AP Stats AP Gov/Econ AP Enviro Science AP Lit AP Psych Food Prep Pottery
  12. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ratcliffejustin/LeBron.jpg
  13. they're gonna play this after every TD too, which is fine, just as long as they dont show that black guy grinding with that white woman lol
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