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Everything posted by J-Rat

  1. J-Rat


    http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ratcliffejustin/Picture2-1.png?t=1249351367 it's there
  2. J-Rat


    http://www.blastmedia.com/blogs/mediablast/two%20thumbs%20up.jpeg VERY NICE
  3. what you wanted/expected You: diss diss diss haha you suck! Jay: yeah you're right, go ESPN what you got/deserved You: diss diss diss haha you suck! Jay: [expletive] off you douche point of the story is, you deserved it.
  4. im going with 3 years 86 mil as my guess
  5. haha Richie Sexson was a terrible player, he couldnt play D and once he stopped juicin his BA dropped to like .210
  6. Durant doesn't get dunked on....... but if he did he wouldn't hide the tape.
  7. In about a year or two we're gonna realize how bad of a contract this is.
  8. I got a 32" inch for Christmas for 400 and it's great. Most of them are good, just read some of the reviews.
  9. I just lol'd, you're completely undervaluing Papelbon, a top 3-5 closer in the league. Also, could you imagine if the Phillies got Halladay too? I think that'd be amazing, but there's absolutely no chance.
  10. Jack Wilson not Freddy Sanchez
  11. Shia LaBeouf = Even Stevens = dominant
  12. I feel like Minaya is getting fired today
  13. The money is the about the same without the Florida state tax
  14. If LO doesn't get a 4 year deal worth 10 mil a year from the Lakers within the next 2-3 days, he's going to the Heat.
  15. Wilpon's granddaughter = so hot
  16. lol does anyone else every wonder how these goofy white guys get in the nba? Brian Cardinal is the one I always think of, how did he get a 5 year deal for 30+ mil? I went to a Heat game last season against the T-Wolves and he runs so awkwardly it's hard to imagine he has any basketball talent.
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