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Everything posted by J-Rat

  1. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ratcliffejustin/Wade-LeBron.jpg Needs text http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ratcliffejustin/Kanye.jpg render needs to be blended comments please.
  2. I thought he was suing his ex-partner for 10 mil
  3. For a second I was thinking of the Charlotte Hornets but yeah the Hornets win this one and I guess Charlotte does it to make a splash next year in FA? That's the only thing I can think of.
  4. I just don't think it can be proven 45+ years later... idk
  5. Maybe it's just the era but to me I can't imagine him taking them.
  6. Why are the Bobcats trading a younger, better player?
  7. hahaha feels good to be a Marlins fan, we keep our front office guys in line
  8. Greg Oden - total beast Derrick Rose - has a jump shot now, top 3 PG in the league after this season Courtney Lee can score about 17 a game Anthony Randolph
  9. lol can someone get him an alarm clock?
  10. That's not Wade's twitter, his named is spelled wrong LOL
  11. http://www.megatonik.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/lol.jpg Who's [expletive] could you have beaten? Elton John?
  12. What's wrong with the title? I don't notice anything
  13. Career 17/10 isn't overrated IMO and Odom is about as god of a player as we can get next year for the MLE Also,
  14. PLEASE COME TO MIAMI!!! Chalmers - Wade - Odom - Boozer - JO with Beasley off the bench
  15. Idk I have pretty simple taste lol
  16. V2 is awful lol but all of the other ones are pretty solid
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