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Everything posted by alcstarheel

  1. Had my PS3 since January 2007...never had a problem. I have the fat 60 gig so I have backwards compatibility. I was able to play and beat the first three Metal Gear Solids and the few PS2 games that I still have. And my wireless works perfectly. I never have any slowness problems.
  2. Maybe if the average age of the forum was 30, those other options would be selected. This is Fresh Prince in a landslide.
  3. Dood, it isn't failing because it's government run. Nice try. I said why it was failing.
  4. You fell into the trap. Even with a publicly run school system, there is an private option you could use. Just like if health care were publicly run, there'd be private option. Just like everything government run, there is a private option. So stop worrying that they will take over everything. They won't. Teachers are underpaid and students are apathetic. That's why it's failing. Government-run school systems are doing just fine in other countries. I'm guessing you'd rather have schooling privatized as well, since the government has failed at it? I can't even imagine how high those tuition prices would be. People would opt not to go to high school so they could save money. Well, I guess it'd sort of be like health care and insurance is right now. -- EDIT - the other stuff I did read, but it didn't look like it was worth responding to
  5. You get on Kobe's bad side when you don't play team D, when you don't work hard, and when you don't play to win. I think Ron will stay on the good side no problem. He knows this guy wants to win another 'ship, plain and simple.
  6. Can you point out where I said I wanted everything ran by the government? I specifically said that too much government is not good, as is too little government. I also said that we are not going to have a paradigm shift. Also, there is a state run military in every state. That's the National Guard. Until the early 1900s they were independent for each state. They still answer to their state governor first, so they are semi-independent. (comes from Wikipedia) You asked this question... ...and I answered with USPS, ran by the government. UPS and FedEx compete with them on a daily basis, often doing better. Does the government infuse money into USPS if it's doing poorly? Yes. Do they do it for UPS and FedEx? No. Are UPS and FedEx still highly competitive entities? Yes. The postal service has a constitutional monopoly. Where's the outrage??? To your new questions: This isn't Joe's Crab Shack that was having problems. This is an institution that has been a part of this country for decades. Just like Chrysler was. Just like Ford. But I guarantee you if Ford was having problems their palms would be open ready for whatever they could receive. GM did not receive a bailout to increase their profit. They received one so the large number of employees wouldn't lose their jobs and the very large number of suppliers wouldn't lose out on their biggest client. It wasn't the greatest thing, but desperate times... I read the Wiki as well...what I've seen is that the reason Canadians are coming down here is because we have more availability, whether it be in hospital space or available physicians. Most of that stuff being waited on is for specialized care, which happens here as well. U.S. citizens get flown around the country for specialized, non-plastic surgery care as well. The government decides what public elementary and high schools you can go to. If you try to go to a public school not mandated by them, you will have repercussions. Doesn't matter if you really like the biology teacher at the public school out of your district. You have to learn from the biology teacher in your district if you are expecting services from government teachers. So where's the stomp on Washington about this? So what we are learning is that we don't mind if the government tells us where we can get our education. But once you tell us where we can get medical work done the whole country is coming to an end. So how about we do away with all the public schools and let people choose, with their own money and discretion, which private schools they can go to...no public funding involved. Let's see how that plays out http://i26.tinypic.com/2evybh1.gif The bottom line is this...the government will tell you what you can do if it involves funds they have used. If you don't want to do that, there are alternatives, like taking a non-toll road instead of a toll road, or going to a private school outside of your district if you don't want to go to the public school in your district. The only main thing the government makes you do, from which there is no alternative, is paying taxes for goods, income, and property (along with whatever else is there). Everything else is left up to you for the most part, and that will continue throughout your lifetime and your kid's lifetime.
  7. I mentioned it in my post but I'll also mention it here. USPS is government run. UPS and FedEx have no problem whatsoever competing with that gigantic entity, in the U.S. or internationally.
  8. Ah, political debates, on a forum with a lot of teens. If grown men and women can't agree on politics (or religion) then we know these threads are doomed from the start. A couple remarks I'd like to add. You could say that a major part of Finland's, Denmark's, and Switzerland's "happiness" can be attributed to their type of government, but one thing they have compared to the U.S. is that those countries only have to satisfy 5-9 million people. The U.S. has over 300 million to look after. Also, with so many of those residents being born of the country, with so many of their same descent, the citizens may be a little more content with what goes on in the country. Then again, they may be more content because they've seen how the government's work, has worked. The U.S. is a very capitalistic country, i.e. people want to "capitalize" on every opportunity, no matter if it's good in the long run or not. I have a couple of Indian-born coworkers (from India) and they have remarked on the capitalistic nature. What they've said is that, even though you make more money over here, people in general are happier in India. Money-money-money isn't the focus over there like it is here. So they come here and live, but they just send some of that higher income back to their families. So what you can say is that a lot of people immigrate to America because they can make more money here first and foremost, not because it's such a happy place to live. You guys can debate whether we're turning socialist or not, but for it to even happen would take 50+ years of constant governmental policy and procedural changes. You know what's funny...the second largest corporation (in employee numbers) is the USPS, a government-operated mail processing and delivery service. They have a constitutional monopoly on the use of individual mailboxes. I don't hear anyone complaining. You know why? Because UPS and FedEx are big in this country, as direct competitors to the PO. Government owned-operated, necessary service for the U.S. population, and it hasn't caused any problems with other players in the market. Sound familiar? Basically we should just look at it as government intervention is necessary or we'd be running around with our heads cut off. Too little intervention and too much intervention are never good. We will remain somewhere in the middle throughout Obama's term and throughout the next generation. We should also look at it as this country is the greatest in the world, but don't forget what started that. And don't think 200 years will be changed in the 4 or more years that Obama will be in office, either. That is unless we have a war on it, I guess.
  9. Well, they needed a backup point. I guess that's why. I don't think it's too bad of a pickup. He won't be taking Jameer's minutes.
  10. That's what she said. Pretty nice. I got my "fat" one so I'm good.
  11. 20 best NBA games of 2008-2009. Great television
  12. 1. How much do you think will performance enhancing drugs (PED) affect the game of a basketball player? PEDs don't help with skills, first and foremost. Basketball takes a lot of skill, from all positions, in multiple different scenarios. Ben Wallace may not have the offensive skill, but his defensive skill, box out techniques, and general defensive awareness can't be gained using PED. Neither can it affect the offensive skill of Paul Pierce, on the perimeter or in the post. What they are affecting are mostly on the workout, recovery, and muscle gaining side of the game. I have to think, though, that a good number of players are using them, especially those guys that are borderline, trying to stay relevant and trying to get that contract. The big dogs just have to keep doing what they're doing. Those other guys have to go above and beyond. 2. Will a PED scandal severely affect the NBA the same way it has wreaked havoc on MLB? I don't think so. With baseball you can link PEDs to hitting and pitching (or throwing in general), which are the main focuses of the sport. Of course they won't help you hit a baseball better, or throw a baseball with more accuracy, but the public opinion is that they help with hitting distance and throwing distance/speed. With basketball you can't really link it to aspects of the sport itself. It's such a smaller playing field that you don't really have room for error in shooting or passing like you do in throwing accuracy and hitting placement (i.e., hitting to left field, right field, shortstop, etc.). 3. Who is your favorite NBA player, Shaq, Kobe, Lebron, Wade, who? IF (hypothetically) he is found out to be using PED, what should be done to him? Kobe's my favorite player, but, no matter who it was, I think it depends on the "timing." If it was not banned while they were taking it, I wouldn't really have too much of a problem. You look at that baseball player Bronson Arroyo. He's popping pills left and right. As long as they aren't banned when you are taking them, then I don't think anyone should really have a problem. The leagues have to wise up and believe that if a few players are found to be doing it, there's going to be a lot more that were doing it that just haven't been found out. 4. Do you think that the NBA should start testing its athletes for PED? Why? I thought they already did testing, but you probably want to follow the IOC standard a little bit. If we're talking so much about international competition and everything, all leagues in all countries should be doing the same tests and the same bans. 5. Finally, let's just say, WHAT IF Michael Jordan was found to have used PED during his playing years, should he be reviled? Should his records be erased? Should an asterisk be placed beside his name and his records and awards? Same as #3, it depends on what it was he was taking, when he was taking it, and if it was banned at the time.
  13. I think this one will be closer together as far as the teams with the best home record. Magic, Cavs, Lakers, Celtics are obviously the teams with the best chance at it. Utah is no slouch, but their division has gotten stronger with two teams that are even hungrier this year. All that being said, I like the Cavs getting that best home record again this year. They gained a pretty good deal and their contention in their division isn't that strong. It'll probably be between them and the Celtics.
  14. I would imagine he wouldn't mind going home to the Chi. He raved about D-Rose during the season and I'm sure he'd love for those two to be a aggressive, quick, tenacious backcourt tandem. I wouldn't doubt he'd be going to the either of New York's teams if the money and teammates are right.
  15. Yep we have a great chance to do it this year again. We just have to do it on the defensive side. He's going to help us improve on last year's
  16. Music isn't at the peak, but i've been playing it constantly since it came out. He's changed a little, but he can't play like he didn't go through some stuff during that break. I think this wall that he has up right now will steadily go down.
  17. Messed up now for a couple, not for all though.
  18. http://i25.tinypic.com/j0d7yg.png
  19. Yeah I noticed it too. Saw Brandon's like that a couple of times. Weird.
  20. They have a tough division this year. Atlanta is still there. Wiz made a huge jump. Bobcats are still a tough team. Miami will still be a tough team at home. Those road games against poor division teams are where you can really get those wins up.
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