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Revis Island

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Everything posted by Revis Island

  1. [expletive] the Ravens. I have no respect for those [expletive]gots except for Reed and Ray "Homocide" Lewis.
  2. here's a cut http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p266/Cgantz20/Cuts/ChampCut.png
  3. [expletive] the Ravens. [expletive]ing Pussies.
  4. I don't know, did he ever have a "Nick Anderson" Moment?
  5. I'd put Derek Fisher, Rodney Stuckey and Will Bynum comfortably ahead of that choker.
  6. I never wondered that, the only thing I wondered was why do people like Tracy McGrady, somebody who avoids contact at all cost, doesn't play defense, doesn't hustle and doesn't have any balls out there. Reminds me of you.
  7. Erick, Why is MO Williams so high? He's a [expletive]ing choker and he had should have walked to the all-star game with his balls hanging on the ground, since he had to [expletive] and moan to get in.
  8. 64% > 0% last time I checked. 0% is below Dwight's averages. Therefor, Dwight....http://www.pacersdigest.com/images/smilies/choke.jpg
  9. Easily the most overrated player in the NFL, never liked that tool.
  10. Just curious, people constantly ride Dwight about this and make excuses for him.... Would you say Dwight Howard pulled a Nick Anderson in Game 4 of the NBA Finals? I would say yes, I mean he shoots 60% FT, and he made 0-2 which is below his averages, way below. Choke job if you ask me.
  11. Pretty obvious it would be somebody from the Celtics, but it who would be the MVP for that team? Rondo, Pierce, KG, Ray-Ray?
  12. Paul above Deron, still close... Billups easily above Rondo, shouldn't even be a debate. Mo Williams way too [expletive]ing high, no way a choker like him is a top 15 PG.
  13. He did great there, but we are talking about this season's DPOY.
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