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Sun Tzu

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Everything posted by Sun Tzu

  1. Durant with 2 crucial turnovers so far in OT. This isn't looking too good for him but that three earlier was pretty nice.
  2. I'm not a fan of huge tats like that but this doesn't look too bad. I don't think it looks sick or anything though.
  3. LMAO at Mayo throwing the ball at Harden's head after he gets blocked.
  4. Yeah, I think Allen should have gotten into the first team. I was expected Deng to also be in there. It seems like they're just putting superstars in the first team smh.
  5. Yeah, this would be a very disappointing way to end your coaching career to a sweep and boos.
  6. Nice win for the Hawks tonight. This is going to be an exciting series.
  7. I can't believe Peja went 6 from 6 and Terry went 9 from 10. Insane. I've got to watch this game.
  8. It will be interesting to see where he ends up. I have a gut feeling he'll end up in Miami, maybe New York.
  9. I love the sig but it feels really weird looking at a sig without text, I don't know maybe it's just me.
  10. I could see Pau getting traded out of LA but I don't think it would happen. Unless they're getting another superstar or all-star caliber player then I don't think they will make a trade involving Pau Gasol considering Gasol is one of the best PF in the league and the ones that could be better or as good are all guaranteed to stay with their teams right now.
  11. Neither did I. The shoe doesn't look bad actually.
  12. Yea, I've got those fillings/separator things in right now they're so annoying already lol.
  13. If this does happen this will be absolutely crazy. I'm sure it'll destroy the Mavs aswell, although they have been known to be chokers I don't see how losing this series is possible.
  14. Went to the dentist and got separators in. Looks like I'll be getting braces in a few weeks.
  15. Are you serious? We've seen what Nash can do in a half-court offensive system, he is not even close to the beast he is in a full court offense, trust me.
  16. Yeah, I'm not really too picky with browsers. At first it felt really weird but I did like the layout but overtime I've come to see how awesome it is.
  17. It'll be funny because those teams opened their season playing against each other.
  18. Tyler is good and I've listened to some of his other stuff but I've never really been a fan of him, he just raps about shit too negative lol. Lets see if this album can change my opinion on him.
  19. Yea I know. My attempt at being a smart-arse. Hopefully Gasol does step up though, would be nice to see Pau dominate.
  20. Celtics aren't looking very good on offense tonight.
  21. The ending is hilarious! Jamario Moon
  22. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkjug4jQWY1qi2paeo1_400.png
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