your life is what you make it. the reason i love life and i feel my life is so great is because i take pleasure in the little things. i love having fun and that's all i do. imo the meaning of life i just to enjoy yourself, and i just live my life to that. there's so many basic little things that give you great feelings of joy, but i guess i'm not too hard to please... all i need to do is have a nice conversation with a certain girl and then i'm having a quality day. i guess that's the key. just don't be too hard to please. find as much joy as you can in everything you do, and if i ever feel down i just think back on my good memories, listen to Tupac and i feel better again, i'm rarely in a bad mood for more than 30 minutes. and i allways remember, no matter how tough it gets for me, there's allways someone who has it worse. it's not all about materials, it's about your state of mind. just remember that someone loves you be it, your relatives, friends, partners, or God (if you're religious). and remember "Through every dark night, theres a bright day after that" lol, i just realised that last quote is in your sig