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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. Probably. Random scrubs always kill us.
  2. http://fanhuddle.com/goldenstatewarriors/2009/10/07/player-profile-mikki-moore/ Thoughts and comments welcome.
  3. Are they actually d-league players? My first game, I made a half court game winning shot with Stephen Curry lol.
  4. You can't use d-league teams in exhibition mode.
  5. So who's getting the game tomorrow?
  6. I think Duncan will have a great season as usual, but we will see him wear down a bit as the year goes on due to his age. Manu will be good, if he can stay healthy. His scoring numbers might go down because of the addition of Richard Jefferson, but I think his assists will go up. Overall, both of them will have better seasons then there numbers will suggest.
  7. Because that other dude needs to prove that 360 is better by actually posting and using evidence instead of just saying "no, 360 is better"
  8. How do you know? I don't really care about video games, but I will back up the PS3. And Slaven gave a good explanation while that other dude didn't use facts or anything.
  9. Can you post that comment on the other site too? I get more pay for every comment lol. Thanks. I think he can be one of the better players of his draft class. Players like Durant will obviously be better. But there weren't too many great ones that year. Wright has tons of potential, and even Don Nelson was saying that he was the best player in training camp.
  10. lol wut. Actually debate like Slaven did. Counter what he said with actual [expletive] instead of just saying omgzzz no.
  11. http://fanhuddle.com/goldenstatewarriors/2009/10/04/player-profile-brandan-wright/ Feedback and comments welcome.
  12. Eight miles a day? How long did he do this for to burn 30 pounds?
  13. I knew someone would post it. BTW, it's Brandan.
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