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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. The only thing I hate is the commentary, the halftime show that takes forever to skip, and how you can't skip all the referee and chaingang bs. Fight for fumble is cool and the accelerated clock makes the game go smoother, imo.
  2. Franklin and Brian said they want in. So do I.
  3. You used to live in Oakland or the Bay Area?
  4. Year You Became a Fan:2004 Why You Became a Fan:Hometown team Favorite Warriors Player, All-Time:Jason Richardson Favorite Warriors Coach, All-Time:I haven't liked any of them since I've been a fan. I'll go with Nellie because of his first year. Favorite Warriors Moment:2007 playoff run Amount of Warriors Games Attended:5
  5. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1320/1408067140_236dc13920.jpg
  6. I've been to a Giants game before son. My friend got some tickets cause he's a Yankees fan and I was like, I'll go too.
  7. I still gotta wait 3 hours til it's on for me. Can't wait to watch it though.
  8. We need another Warriors fan, welcome back.
  9. Site opens September 7 for writers. The Grizzles and Hornets need writers. Apply if you want to.
  10. hahaha I'm going to the Yankees/A's game tomorrow. First baseball game in about two years for me. When do players sign autographs before a game? Hour, 45 minutes?
  11. We'll get that wild card. I feel like a [expletive] now..lol
  12. [expletive] like that happens in baseball, it's a part of the game. It was an accident anyways. I would understand if the Mets were good, but they aren't so it doesn't matter. You guys ain't gonna do [expletive] anyways. Might as well sit him out with everyone else on your team on the DL.
  13. My article is on the front page of the CBS Sports NBA Section! http://www.cbssports.com/nba
  14. Allen and Gordon over Vince? I think Allen is overrated and Vince has more range than Gordon.
  15. Press try again like 10 times. It works for me.
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