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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. Cute cute. Can't believe we made an offer lmfao.
  2. My FM transmitter was also full of static so I listen to the radio occasionally or I play some burned CD's.
  3. Since end of 10th grade. I just finished my first year of college. Sad, I know.
  4. Finally got my braces off today! Feels weird.
  5. It was Bryant, Wade, then Vince at one point. Right when he first got into New Jersey, he was playing some of the best ball of his career. No one remembers how well he was doing at that time. Very underrated part of his career.
  6. LOL I knew someone would point that out! haha. At one point Vince was the third best SG in the league after Kobe and Wade. No one really gave him credit. Now it's the same with Ellis. I think that's what he means?
  7. Legacy

    Bad Barney

    haha yeah. Click the video and there's alot of related ones.
  8. call my dick curiosity cause it killed the cat.
  9. I usually don't find this shit too funny, but this is hilarious.
  10. LOL if that's the case, you must be getting some 24.7 haha
  11. Damn, I don't wanna ask this girl out and get in a relationship. I just wanna [expletive]. How do I make this happen? lmao
  12. I love that Kidd won a ring before his career ended. I gained so much respect for Dirk. Happy that they both won a ring.
  13. this. I love my Droid and honestly think it's just as good or maybe even better than an iPhone..
  14. Respect my boys Nitro and Guru. but I love Yugo too. haha no homo
  15. yeah i went with her friends to dance at first and I guess she got jealous and went off hahaha. Lmao Brian. you're the best no homo lol.
  16. lol brian you need to post more! haha. this bitch just broke up with her boyfriend too, but i think she's attached and there's hella people trying to get at her. Summer should be interesting..
  17. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/254413_10150209381053611_542188610_7146158_4603367_n.jpg
  18. So at prom, when me and this girl went (shes my coworker), she saw everyone grinding and shit. She was like wtf, this is weird and it's gonna be awkward since we coworkers (lol) and I was like ok cool. So I went and had a grind train with 3 of her friends and I guess she got jealous cause when she saw, she moved them all out of the way and turned into a complete freak lol. Today at work I was like woah, this was the same girl that was that freaky? New goal of the summer: smash her.
  19. Lol, I'm seeing things on twitter how it's really bad and shit. Dirk = Jordan?
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