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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. Lol really? I loved him as a commentator. I never knew he was clowned on his much, haha.
  2. Are you guys really this skeptical about the hire?
  3. thanks guys. for anyone interested: http://www.wral.com/news/news_briefs/story/9687458/
  4. I love this hire for some reason. I wanted him as coach a few years ago when I wanted Nellie out. I think this is a good move by the owners..hopefully it works out.
  5. He passed away. This is so hard for me to believe. He was going to attend Harvard in the fall too...
  6. My 18 year old cousin is on life support. :(
  7. prom tonight! should be interesting..
  8. That sucks man, but you're a tough guy. We're all praying for you and the best! Take care of yourself first then post whenever you're 100 percent. Take care for now.
  9. He looks like Adam Morrison in a way lol. And damn AL just graduated high school? I thought he was way older.
  10. Majority of you guys actually think Dallas will win?
  11. I remember when I met Hulk Hogan. I posted about it on a wrestling forum, but no one believed me.
  12. I want Dallas to win, but I can't see the Heat losing a 7 game series.
  13. Another sick track. Can't wait until this shit is out.
  14. So you can join the army at 18 but you can't play professional basketball?
  15. I have never seen Dirk play better. This guy is going all out. I really hope he gets his revenge against Miami.
  16. Bruno Mars and Eminem on the same track? gotta hear this.
  17. He posted on his twitter today that it's going to be out on June 28.
  18. She's still my favorite female celebrity. [expletive] the haters. I'd beat without hesitation.
  19. I need more followers on twitter. -_- @YamaDeezNutz
  20. Finally Famous, June 28! :glasses:
  21. I don't understand why so many people view Mike Brown as a good coach. He shouldn't be coaching a young team like the Warriors and especially not a team with the caliber of the Lakers.
  22. Comcast Sportsnet Bay Area is saying it's going to be Mike Brown. I think they would know since they have been following his news and reporting on it because he was highly attracted by the Warriors too. But you never know. As long as the Warriors don't hire him.
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