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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. I'm leaving for Toronto, Canada tomorrow morning to visit some family so I won't be on for the next few weeks. Just letting you guys know, haha. Sick places to visit besides the obvious?
  2. No [expletive], it's against the weak [expletive] Warriors.
  3. Kinda looked like a hockey check. I remember when Derek Fisher had a foul like this on Scola a few seasons back. Poor guy, always taking hits. lol.
  4. I'm looking at it like the Jason Kidd situation. After a while, Kidd hated Vince because he lacked the passion needed to win. I'm curious to see how this relationship turns out between VC and Nash.
  5. Funny how Joe Johnson went from one of the most underrated players to one of the most overrated..
  6. You forgot the Warriors.... oh nvm, I thought we were talking about the WNBA.
  7. It's bad lol. Let's just say, [expletive] the friend zone.
  8. He's pretty good. Check out Roach Gigz too, if you guys get a chance.
  9. Wilson Chandler needs to brush his teeth. with a chainsaw.
  10. http://thebsreport.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/brown-nose.jpg?w=300&h=300
  11. math and english final tomorrow. i'm scared.
  12. lmao. the creator of this thread is a virgin.
  13. Was at work. Going to watch the re-run in a bit. Btw, Warriors suck. Without one key player, team is a bottom team for sure. No depth at all.
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