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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. Would you rather be raped by Confidence or rape Prodigy?
  2. I would join, but these type of things never work out.
  3. Anyone famous check in at your hotel?
  4. Yup. Do lots of cardio and don't eat junk food.
  5. If they sent this to Kobe, he would force a trade to the Bulls.
  6. Crazy. There are only 3-5 players in this league worth a max contract. Joe Johnson is not one of them.
  7. When LeBron leaves, Cleveland will belong to Cudi!
  8. Btw my job is going to people's homes and asking if they would like subscribe to local newspapers. Started a few days ago. This job supposedly makes you hella money around here though.
  9. I knew Germany would destroy. I don't know why everyone was favoring Argentina.
  10. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
  11. Same here man. Love this song.
  12. http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/8619/2204355.swf
  13. We're getting more posts in the off-season than in the regular season this year.
  14. Exaggeration, haha. But they would be one hell of a double-double tandem.
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