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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. Legacy


    Your COD kill/death ratio?
  2. Just [expletive] you did in high school.
  3. Gotta do a senior speech for 10 minutes in my english class on Monday. Not looking forward to it.
  4. Relax fellas, it's not even the CD version.
  5. Thoughts? Based on what they have done so far in their careers.
  6. I could see people viewing it as bad, I see it as unique lol.
  7. Mike Posner voice is sick. Big Sean's songs seam promising, imo.
  8. I'm going to take some during my second year of college. Summer classes should be chill and make you finish faster.
  9. I meant for me. I know it probably works fine for you guys, but I did some [expletive] and idk what to do to fix it.
  10. I think I deleted something earlier today, but it wasn't adobe flash player.
  11. When I go on Youtube, I just get a black screen for the video. At first it shows it loading for like 2 seconds, but then it stops and it's just a black screen. I tried searching for a problem, and tried some methods that did not work. Anyone here able to help? I'm using firefox btw.
  12. Yup. First single for his new album.
  13. Mike Posner and Big Sean They are pretty good at what they do. Good collabs together too.
  14. Saw it a week ago. Could not stop laughing until the 20th time I watched it.
  15. It's hella nasty. Hands are dirty. It's as bad as when players take out their mouth pieces and put it in their arm pads. Too sweaty, haha.
  16. Magic baby! Let's go! Win it for Vince.
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