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Everything posted by Legacy

  1. I heard tuna is bad for you if you eat it everyday. Why do you eat it alot? Protein?
  2. I tried that, but I couldn't find it. I think the song might have a different name.
  3. Anyone know the name of a song where in the chorus it goes "i la la la love you" It's an r&b or hip hop song. It's pretty new. Not an older song.
  4. Usually happens when teams lose to the Warriors.
  5. Haha, that's sick. The practice yesterday was hella fun.
  6. You too man. Hook it up with their numbers though. lol
  7. Odom and Shaq sweat like crazy.
  8. I see your dickriding has started with Roger Mason. :glasses:
  9. He can't shoot for [expletive]. He's just athletic.
  10. I'm goin in so hard, I get confused with Weezy and Drake/You can't write, even people on RealGM say your [expletive] is fake Questioning your sources, walking with no dignity/You should get a tattoo saying "Legacy ethered me" You be on my boy Vince's jock now, while back then you hated Carter/Funny how you the champ, but when you face me, you sweat, turn red and try harder Owning you so bad in these ryhmes, swear it God it feels like I'm sinning/So what's slimmer, Dwight's free throw percentage or your chances of winning Cuz we all know at the end of the day, I'ma beat this clown and come out with the victory/Something your Magic couldn't do in last year and embarrassed themselves in history Shaq always callin out your boyfriend, dissin him, saying the real Superman is not Howard/Dwight saying nothin back, I guess you're not the only one in town that's a coward Feel like I'm committing a crime, because this was a rape/I'll be kryptonite as I own your boy, call me bold = click link
  11. Dumb play by Watson. Nellie won't break the record this season.
  12. Oh yeah. His name sounded hella familiar. Forum chicks.
  13. Brandon Roy over Kobe Bryant? Are you retarded? Explain why you think Roy is better.
  14. I hate Rasho Nesterovic vs Jordan threads.
  15. Why not? He's the best power forward in the league.
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