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Everything posted by Lafan9

  1. http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/2006/kobebryantws2.png Gotta get kobe in here, sorry ^_^
  2. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3601/3312409360_b2bd5e907d_o.jpg Legend of... :lol:
  3. hahaha the only thing kobe's loyal to is the Lakers apparently but no I don't really believe it just think it's another BS media story, I'll believe it once it gets on a better source lol
  4. ooooooo my god my stomach hurts :lol: :lol:
  5. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_N_VcgmGUMVQ/RfGjwItHi_I/AAAAAAAAAXE/UKx8d4VGyHI/s400/eldenNosmile.jpg best pic i could find http://www.dallasnews.com/s/dws/img/05-06/0530rooks.jpg
  6. No problem bro, I was like four/five when i started watching these guys play it's one of the things I wish I was older for to appreciate, (this and watching Jordan in prime) but yeah no problem ^_^
  7. whats so horrible about NBA games especially the best NBA game in the country in 2K? <_<
  8. Let me create a real thread here, Question: would you take this team over nows team in this day and age?
  9. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Kobe_Bryant2006.jpg Kobe gots experience, he don't play around Sorry kobe but u gonna get ur [expletive] whooped
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVnZweSYP6A&feature=channel_page "Shaq, Kobe, Eddie, and Nick. The fantastic four.....perhaps the most gloriously disrespectful team of all time." -Kblaze Read my sig you'll see my answer to the question.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVnZweSYP6A&feature=channel_page "Shaq, Kobe, Eddie, and Nick. The fantastic four.....perhaps the most gloriously disrespectful team of all time."-Kblaze
  12. great review i'm gonna get it right now
  13. Yeah same thing, I only heard tales of magic, but I kinda grew up with Kobe, seeing him smile all the time and in commercials and stuff, and when the news came out I was confused, hated Kobe, hated basketball, I just had mixed feelings, I never quite had the same respect for Kobe since then, he just seemed so bitter afterward (now he's changing at least it appears so the respect for him as a person was back) however he's smiling a lot more so that's a good sign, and it must have not only been shocking for Laker fans but for NBA as well, arguably the face of the NBA future charged with rape.
  14. baaaaaasssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllll

  15. vince u r the man you dont play around either you get ur news out quickly thanks man
  16. If Ron wears those 1980's shorts he'll get on everey Lakers bad side , but anyways I think Ron knows that the Lakers need him more on the defensive side of the ball, and I'm sure Phil will let it be known that he'll be a 4th option on offense after Kobe,Pau,and Odom.
  17. Hahaha yeah but Shaq gave Kobe a high five on the sideline tough
  18. Kobe lobs it up to shaq for the dunk, and Shaqs to busy celebrating that he leaves Kobe hanging http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_ikaIDz-Ck&feature=related
  19. Yeah so there are a lot of choices,(yet a lot more moments that could've been added) but I just wanted to figure out which day/moment was most shocking as a Laker fan, or even an NBA fan and why. Thanks P.S-I wanted to start from show time so it wasn't left out, and sorry if I bring back any bad memories.
  20. I'd say Kobe just because I think they got better on the defensive side, they are arguably the best offense, so if they stay healthy Kobe and the Lakers have the best shot of winning and repeating
  21. Like seriously if Bynum comes back healthy he adds that intimidation inside, we have two guards (starting) that can lock down when needed, shasha's a pest on d as well, and of course ron. So is that good enough to put us in top 5 defensively, because our offense is there plus we have Kobe so if you think about it it could be a wrap in the conference again.
  22. I say he does if he gets back into shape and doesn't get injured and if ron doesn't chuck shots up outta nowhere, I personally feel that the NBA doesn't have too many good centers, so it's up in the air for any center to take their place behind Dwight.
  23. Well hopefully this is a wake up call for him, yes he's made a living in the league busting up shots but hopefully this experience should show him that he can't afford to ball hog anymore, because he's a great talent and will go down as an all-time great.
  24. Hey Gil-zero hooked me up whats up guys, just introducing myself to the forum, came from the 2kforum and i'm just trying to get the hang of things
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