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About Vinsanity

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Basketball, Golf, other sports
  • Name
  • Fav Player
    Vince Carter

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. http://community.2ksports.com/community/insights/ "Hey guys, Exclusive images will be added shortly. But didn't want to hold it any longer, enjoy the read! Ronnie"
  2. Welcome man, I'm a basketball/golf guy myself. Keep active.

  3. http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/sports/nba2k10/video/6216211 I think this isn't the one they were gonna post, but it's new. I hope there's more. B)
  4. I thought they waived Kurt Thomas? Am I mistaken?
  5. Thanks guys. This looks like a really great forum.
  6. http://www.konsolekingz.com/blog/?p=3967 There should also be an Insight later as well as a 2k10 trailer. I believe someone has already stated that though.
  7. Hey everyone, I'm Vinsanity. Some of you may know me from other forums such as the 2k forums, OS, CSV or Netsdaily. Well first of all, Gil-Zero recruited me. So I am a diehard Nets fan. Despite them trading my favorite player, Vince Carter, I'll still always be behind them since I do live in New Jersey. I hope to stick around and meet some other intelligent posters; I think I've seen a lot already.
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