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Everything posted by Celtics3420

  1. If it werent for the terrible colors, it would actually be a nice shoe...
  2. Yeah dude's been impressive, i also gotta give some props to my boy Alex Oriakhi(went to middle and HS with him until he transferred to Tilton). 15/17, dude's been grabbing a ton of rebounds and blocking shots.
  3. Yessir, wake up and hop in the shower, [expletive] a toliet(cept when droppin a deuce xD) lol.
  4. I would say this man needs to be in the dunk contest, but then again i dont want another shannon brown showing lol. Who knows, maybe he can prove me wrong, that first one actually had me saying WOW out loud.
  5. The wolves need to get this man an extension ASAP.
  7. them taking it out in BO doesn't prove that it was a glitch, never even heard of someone referring to quickscoping as glitching. When you snipe, even as a hardscoper, you have to scope in, quickscoping is scoping and shooting right before you stay scoped for too long, thus the term "quickscoping". If anything, the only thing that quickscopers take "advantage" of is aim assist, but people who use assault rifles and subs get that very same aim assist....
  8. lol wut? No i dont glitch, i play COD for fun, just because i'm defending something you dont like doesnt mean i glitch and say everything is "unrealistic anyways". It's a video game and quickscoping just so happens to be fun. You say they're "fixing" it, but fixing what isn't broken is pointless. I'd be hard pressed to see you find guys who quickscope have a 2 K/D or higher, because i don't know anyone on consoles who do. There's no distinct advantage of quickscoping so i dont really understand why people hate it so much lol.
  9. lol, i know that's what they're supposed to do, i dont mind that, but calling out people who quickscope and saying it's an " unrealistic" aspect of the game as a reason you despise it is a terrible excuse.
  10. It's a video game, bringing up the "realistic" argument leads nowhere as i could name multiple aspects of this game that are unrealistic. I quickscope, dont really see a problem with it. MW2 made it easier, but regardless, unless someone had an aim bot or was really amazing at it, a quickscoper is probably the easiest player in the match to kill. When you die from someone quickscoping it's usually your own fault as 1) you didn't see him, or 2) your aim is horrible. Also I heard they made the scope in time to like it was back in COD4, so SOH Pro does nothing, If the zooming in takes you 10 ft away from the target, added with the delay of the scope, it renders sniping useless unless you want a bunch of guys sitting back and scoping in all day. That said, if what they said they were doing for sniping is true, why even have em in the game -_-. Anyways, i have high hopes for this game, but at the same time i'm kinda nervous about the killstreaks, IMO, the way it's set up it promotes camping even more so, hopefully i'm wrong.
  11. If you thought Daniels was freaky, then you havent seen what shaq was lol. http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/large/186092515.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0ZRYP5X5F6FSMBCCSE82&Expires=1288757140&Signature=U%2F2yxCXBcIwZAFt3WrDKCpUACk0%3D
  12. i literally rofl'd at the penis enlargement section Masturbation before sex is great advice tho :ohya:
  13. What's the record for APG for a season? Jesus at the amount Rondo is getting to start the season. It's only been 4 games but goddamn it's impressive. If he can find a consistent jumper and keep his turnovers to a minimum, look out.
  14. No particular order Forest Gump Saving Private Ryan 28 Weeks Later Space Jam DeJa Vu American Gangster Remember the Titans John Q Independance Day I Am Legend Yeah, i'm a big Denzel fan lol.
  15. really dumb rule. Rondo os probably the only player in the league that does it, maybe 1 or 2 others but i can't recall anyone else doing it. I'd stop wearing the headband altogether too if i were rondo, not too fun when a foolish rule like this seems as if it were singling you out. Also, smh at the time i wasted reading those terrible racist comments or ugly attempt at humor -_____-.
  16. Steve Smith. Detroit's future looks pretty bright with Jahvid Best, Matt Stafford etc. Theyre still young so theres time to improve. You could argue for S-Jax due to his age, but i take smith due to his age and direction his team has been in for the last 4-5 years i believe
  17. yeah, i think there's an option to d/l it to your comp.
  18. Market Basket, Mcdonalds, Burger King, KFC etc are always hiring high school kids. You dont really need a resume for those types of jobs tbh and theyre a pretty good starting point.
  19. ^^ http://www.myxer.com/ just create an account and you can make your own ringtones from songs on your computer and send it to your phone. Thats where i get all my ringtones lol.
  20. lol at this, honestly, the government should just stop giving her benefits, put her kids in a foster home or something and tell her to get a [expletive]in job. Pretty sure there are people out there that need and would use the money for something they actually need.
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