Lol so making money off of stuff makes it "cooler"... Lol, my main source of income is webdesign and that's what I do for a living. Twitter backgrounds for nba players were just to get the name out there but it's a lost cause and a waste of time. With Bobby he just asked if I can do one, and I just said "yeah for a jersey" and we got that done. On other ones aside from NBA I do get paid... sometimes u need to start with something free and build up. As for the subject, I wouldn't like to get into this. I actually really like what Guru said before. We both do what we do, some things will be appealing to some people and the rest to others so I wouldn't go further with things like that. I am very happy that some1 would even consider making a thread like this about me since I just drop out some random stuff around the boards from time to time. Thanks a lot. TruTrojan - sometimes when u work in a business where you constantly have to change things up just to fit the needs of a client you actually look forward to doing some things for free. Of course to an extend, I don't really have enough time to do signature requests or stuff, but when u meet a player in person and u can get something cool done not being nagged about "let's move this to the left 5 pixels further" you can appericiate that. So projects like that also happen.