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Make It Naaaashty

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Everything posted by Make It Naaaashty

  1. Denver vs Baltimore then....gawwwddd fishsticks
  2. So once someone calls out what Shaliq is doing with the reps, it all suddenly stops? It can't get any more obvious Shaliz.....lmao
  3. The Walking Dead needs a random celebrity zombie. Rick: Holy shit, is that?....Bill Cosby? Bill Cosby: A-zibbity zib zab I'm a zombie.
  4. Clippers will make it to the NBA Finals this year. Quote me on datttttt.
  5. The Ring is the only movie that has scared me a little bit. Other than that I can't really remember anything. Also, the Hills have Eyes is one of my favriote movies. Not scary but I still love it.
  6. You have to beat me by 37+ so goodluck. As long my players don't lay eggs like Pettigrew and Torrey Smith have been doing, I should be fine hopefully. If I lose though, that'll be sad. Not liking King Brady vs San Fran either. Shitttt I do have pretty bad matchups lol.
  7. Hahahaha it's too bad I had basketball practice so I couldn't witness the show put on by Brady live. Better luck next year chump.
  8. Is there a set date this is coming out? Gears of War 3 is the shit. Wonder if they'll change up Horde at all.
  9. Nahh I know we have another week after this. I just want Brady and Andre to go ape shit tommorow so I can feel better going into next week. I do have unfavorable matchups though. And with AP and Megatron going ridiculous the last 4-5 weeks, I'm going to need as many points as I can get. I have Brady playing a SNF against my 49ers next week. Don't really know how to feel about that. I'll be happy if Brady goes off and we still get the win. I don't see him doing too much next week though.
  10. You think I'll beat you by over 40 tommorow? I think so.
  11. Same shit is gonna happen next week Your team can't even touch mine right now. I can't wait to see how many points King Brady and Andre add on to this whooping tommorow. Seattle Seahawks defense........remember them lmao
  12. Wtf is the point of this thread other than post padding for Shaliq? Nobody gives a shit about Clippers history.
  13. Cant wait to see how Kaep does next week @ New England. That will truly show if he's ready to take us to the Superbowl.
  14. Seattle defense might just have saved my season . As long as Megatron doesn't go too off, I should be able to knock ECN out with ease. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  15. Hahahaha Skelton with 5 turnovers. Thanks Seattle defense for getting me 35 points.
  16. Flacco played like complete shit in the 2nd half and deserved to lose. Ravens aren't going anywhere this year especially with Suggs and Ray Lewis not being healthy.
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