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Make It Naaaashty

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Everything posted by Make It Naaaashty

  1. Someone sig bet me so I can go 3 for 3... My 49ers are winning fellas...
  2. Those forge maps are soo much better than the regular ones.
  3. 49ers defense shutting that Falcons offense down in the 2nd half!!! SUPERBOWL!!!! http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb6zogAjXc1rqbsy8.gif
  4. STILL HAVENT SCORED THIS HALF!!! 1 min away from SuperBowl....leggooo!!!
  5. Actually my prediction is probably wrong. Most likely wont be enough time left for the 49ers. Falcons O vs 49ers D now I guess.
  6. I can tell you how this game is going to end. Falcons will score a TD here but Kaep will finish off the game with a TD of his own lol.
  7. Anyone notice how the Falcons haven't put up a single point in the 2nd half? 49ers defense rebounding in a big way.
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