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About Amare320

  • Birthday 06/16/1991

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    Melbourne, Australia
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    Willie Green
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  1. This is a bit of a hick up for the Bulls eh, i hope they're healthy come playoff time because if they are looking to be true title contenders they're going to have to be.
  2. Awesome bro! how about you? OTR is looking snazzy haha, am defiantly looking be involved here again come playoff time. Miss ya'll!
  3. Just awesome seeing this place still alive, active and full of passionate basketball fans. Congrads!
  4. Love this. Team basketball at it's finest (well nearly) Go Sixers!
  5. I see them as a 60+ team also baring any serious injuries.
  6. Ray Allen must took a hit to the hear prior to this interview! haha But i think he has a point, obviously the playoffs are going to spark rivalries within the playoffs whilst you have your regular season ones and for Ray they happen to be in the eastern conference.
  7. Continued.. http://greenstreet.weei.com/sports/boston/basketball/celtics/2010/12/17/ray-allen-drops-some-nba-knowledge/
  8. Coach O'Brian is bad at substitution management.
  9. Australia's been doing this for quite awhile!
  10. At the minute i can only type with one hand, my other one is broken lol so spare with me here, il just quickly state that your misinformed, Darwinism is not fact, it's theory, even pro evolutionist will agree with that, they just choose to present it as fact which is deceiving enough to convince anyone of the view right off the bat. Im not saying Darwin is a dope ether, he was a God believing man prior to his change of mind after studying to what we know today as the 'Darwin Theory' and that was his personal choice to let his scientific discoveries form his views later on. I agree that there is plenty of evidence for microevolution (small changes within a species) for sure, but for macroevolution, there is an underwhelming amount of evidence, people just have the assumption that it's fact. Im not the one who's going to prove you wrong, or sway you to change your view, that's not my job, i am not a bio major but i am a seeker of truth as everyone else is. Your argument on Christianity dosen't bother me one bit. I proclaim to be a follower of Jesus before i box myself into a 'religion' called Christianity. Christians have started many wars, killed many people, have been corrupt and so forth and obviously thats a wrong representation of the 'Christian lifestyle' and it's un Christ-like behaviour, so im not going to apologise for being apart of that constant generalisation, because i simply am not them, there's certainly a lot more to being a true follower of Christ. I trust the authenticity of the Bible, there are many scriptures that support the Trinity, i don't see how that it isnt clear to you. Im no pro at hermeneutics but there are no contradictions in the bible, maybe you forgot to take in the historical setting, the literary style of the text and the context of whats being said. Who said God was ever easy to understand? The fact that intelligent design falls in line with the biblical world view makes it very valuable and necessary to the process of understanding the meaning of existence, which makes it philosophical. Lets assume God's just, if that's how it is, then it wouldn't be fair to have good and evil before God in Heaven, ultimately God's in control. Our earthly actions mean something, this is why it's important to look at different faiths and trust that God will guide us, it dosent mean you throw all your intelligence and reason out the door, it's about gathering knowledge then making that choice to put your faith in that something or someone who will deliver. Yes Yugo.. i don't have the mental capacity to understand it lol. When you look at evolution it may be bang perfect to you and you might think this has got to be right, and it may, but this dosent mean that someone cant look at intelligent design and feel that exact way about that and for our sake i hope that whatever is truth, becomes more clearer over time. The devil is definitely alive and kicking. I hate religion seriously, it brings out confinement and intolerance. If only it were as simple as accepting the Grace of God by faith and loving God & people.
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