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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Lol if there was a stat of how many times a player loses his bad during a swing I am sure Cody Ross would be leading.
  2. Ahh shit i for got we had those, my bad Cobb.
  3. I really don't see Asante getting cut, even if you don't get much back for him you will get something. He still is one of the better corners in the league.
  4. And a catch at the wall puts the game off to the 12th. Lets Go Giants put something on the board here.
  5. Giants and Reds game has been great so far. Bases loaded with 1 out and we get a great double play to end the 10th was sweet.
  6. Who's better? Who would you take on your team right now?
  7. Good signing they needed a decent receiver. overpaid?
  8. [expletive] yeah you do. 6 years, $78 million to 4 years, $22 million is a monster difference.
  9. Spoke with CaliCurbStomppa he likes his pick. Hopefully 50. gets his pick in soon.
  10. Now thats the way contracts should be for players that have never played an NFL game, good to see this shit was taken care of during the 4 1/2 month negotiations.
  11. New reports say that Jets, Cowboys, and 49ers are all out but the Eagles are it.
  12. Im sorry but the dude hasnt even made a post in the last 3 days. I simmed his pick he hasnt said a word Im taking it that he doesnt care and is happy with this pick. It seems to me you have a bigger problem than he does.
  13. I wont be simming his pick anytime soon dont worry.
  14. I will try when I get on an actual computer. You have until then to change your mind.
  15. Dude we are going to continue it like this, let me know if your in or out. It better to get a pick simmed rather than an entire team which would happen in an online draft. I know I speak for all/most of us when I say we want you to stick around.
  16. Tebow and Arrow - 50. Has till 3pm PT 6pm ET to make his selection. After that he will get the bap.
  17. Thank you! I was waiting for someone outside of myself to say that. We are going to stick with this, I once again urge people to send me a list of there top ten players.
  18. People who have an actual job, and we would do it around 4pm not 11pm.
  19. Yeah its definately gonna be done on a weekend, I know most of us wouldnt be able to make it on a weekday.
  20. No one will get replaced. I think we might decide to do this online, i might make a new topic in the morning.
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