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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Trutrojan I have no problem reducing the time I just dont want anyone bitching that they got skipped late, thats when people claim he wanted this guy cuz he was their so called sleeper. IllWill I like I said before let me know what you think is best and we will see if everyone else agrees to it.
  2. Well the draft will be done offline! Please let me know how you guys will the time restraints. I personally think the are good but if you guys dont like we can change it up.
  3. Well its going to be done offline. How would you like the time restraints to be?
  4. Nah man then it would have to be 16 guys and that imo will be too many guys, ECN has an Auction league up right now so if you can always join that.
  5. Its not considered a big splash when you downgrade from the second best CB in the league to Cromartie.
  6. Poll removed make sure you state which way you want to go, i will keep track in the opening post.
  7. Yahoo will pick the order, all you have to do is hit offline and it will random it for you. You guy will also be able to take a look to make sure I dont cheat it. The same way we have done it the last two years.
  8. ECN and Cali can you please vote in the poll above.
  9. ESPN.com Good news I hope we can lock him up for longer than a year but I will take a year right now.
  10. lol I think we all know what he meant with that answer. Good for him.
  11. Last year I think Jeet skipped IllWill that was what ruined the draft lol, and with all the NFL signing and trades about to start happening I don't think anyone will lose interest this time. And no one will get passed unless their time is up this year.
  12. Just cuz he likes Andre better that doesn't mean hes a fool and is gonna pass up on Calvin lol
  13. My vote goes for Offline on OTR, just because the season is ways away, I hate when people miss the draft, and OTR can use some more activity.
  14. Things to take into account! Online (Yahoo draft room) It is nearly impossible to get all 14 guys online at the same time to draft, the ones who don't make it to the draft normally have the worst team and start ignoring the league completely, or make a deal with someone else to stack their squad. Offline (OTR) It will be done in a topic here and everyone will be given a solid amount of time to draft this way everyone is a part of there teams draft, and this would keep OTR in general a bit more active something that we can use since it is the NBA off season. Also the season is over a month away might as well drag this along. Offline Time Limit (not final but I am considering it) Rounds 1-3 : Teams get 14 Hours to make pick (After that commish picks BAP) Rounds 4-6 : Teams get 12 Hours to make pick (After that commish picks BAP) Rounds 6-17 : Teams get 10 Hours to make pick (After that commish picks BAP) Please vote on what you guys think is going to be best, I would like all 14 members to vote and post what they would like. Member Name - Team Name - Voted 1. ChosenOne - ChosenOne - Offline 2. Confidence - Simba - Offline 3. Prodigy - Show Me Your TD's - Offline 4. IllWill21 - ChixLuvHakimNix - Dont Care 5. Guru - Guru'z - Online 6. Fish7718 - The Fish - Offline 7. ECN - ECN - Offline 8. CaliCurbStomppa - Team Bring It! - Offline 9. Cobb - Air Knowshon - Online 10. Lkr - New York Jeets - Online 11. MoeRoadKill -MoeRoadKill - Offline 12. 50. - Tebow and Arrow - Online 13. Trutrogan8 - Team CTFU - Offline 14. iBoldin - Lenny and the Jets Offline - 8 Online - 4 DRAFT WILL BE OFFLINE!
  15. Its very hard to go against Andre Johnson. But one has to take into account the Calvin hasn't really had a QB to throw to him his entire career and still is managing to put up monster numbers.
  16. I presume the same thing but i dont really give a [expletive] I'm sure there are going to be other league that are going to get started here so if he stays active he will have the opportunity to grab a spot.
  17. Chargers need to get active quick. I would like them to resign Malcolm Floyd, Eric Weddle at the very least, but if we can manage to get upgrades at both of those spots then I wouldnt really mind losing those guys.
  18. Also I think Boston Fever is ECN can someone please check up on that
  19. IBoldin go ahead and join bro he has been removed. Please let us know what your team name is so I know its you.
  20. Oh dont even worry about that 6 posts is gone. No way a member that isnt even active on the site gonna take a spot of an active one.
  21. Agreed I always forgot to check my espn leagues. Once we fill up I will put up a poll and we will decide then which way we all want it done. The season is a month away so might as well drag this as long as we can.
  22. Thats sick bro hopefully everything goes as planned, get them all to sign a soccer ball or something, that would be the sickest thing to get signed.
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