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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Lakers will win by 15+, i don't see the Jizz being able to stay up them in the second half.
  2. Well he kinda had to make a couple big plays, especially after that effortless first half, and wide open misses.
  3. I think he will become an assistant for the Lakers if he is dropped.
  4. Yeah and even that might not be enough.
  5. I can see where they are coming from with Kobe. But the better question is how is Pau not on the list?
  6. Rockets have Scola and Marin in top 5. Nice
  7. Damn Kevin got drilled on the last play, first Manu with a shoulder and then a hard pick to the face from Timmy. They man
  8. Look what happens when Martin gets the ball in the end.
  9. YES! YES! YES! Lets go guys we have to get a basket here. I want Martin or Lowery to attack the rim here.
  10. Overtime!!! Gets go Rockets please dont [expletive] this up!
  11. And boom goes the dynamite! finally Lowery did something in the fourth.
  12. LEE!!!!! Way to [expletive]ing show up when it matters!
  13. Thats two wide open [expletive]ing shots Scola has missed, how more open can Martin get him? Man if we are able to hold this lead it will be a miracle.
  14. [expletive]ing tell me about it! Terrible third quarter. Edit: This is me right now! http://i.imgur.com/HZJ0K.gif
  15. OMG gtfo with those foul calls first on Patterson and now on Lowery.
  16. Good first by the Rockets, Martin and Lowery are playing excellent so far. Also I love how Scola was subbed out after the pathetic effort he showed in the first 6 minutes.
  17. Come on Scola, any effort on defense or rebounding will be appreciated!
  18. Talk about a fast pace to start this game off.
  19. Every championship team needs a player that isnt afraid to get in a fight and play a bit dirty. Another reason why Miami wont win it all.
  20. Yeah i would like the banner to have a link to the OTR home page no the team page. But either way it really works.
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