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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Basketball wise yes. In a fight I dont know.
  2. lol Since you are sooo confident the Bears are going to win you wanna make a one sided sig bet? Bears win I will vote for them in the SB Bears lose you wear a sig of my choice for the rest of the season.
  3. Kobe really playing excellent so far in the third (14 pts), he just needs to touch the ball everytime down the floor.
  4. http://i53.tinypic.com/25fk6m8.jpg Jan 19 vs. NYK W 104 - 89 21 PTS 6 - 18 FGM-A 2 - 10 3PM-A 7 - 8 FTM-A Could not hit a shot all game long but in the fourth he came to life making huge baskets leading us to victory. http://i2.cdn.turner.com/nba/nba/multimedia/photo_gallery/1101/gameaction0121/images/martin_550_012111.jpg Jan 21 vs. MEM L 110 - 115 32 PTS 8 - 15 FGM-A 4 - 6 3PM-A 12 - 12 FTM-A He played an excellent game but due to Rick's dumbass coaching he was not given the opportunity to win us the game.
  5. Well at least work went by a bit faster. DONE!!!
  6. COACHING COACHING COACHING COACHING COACHING COACHING!!!!! Rick has declined soooooo much as a coach this year it is sad. Rick has forgot some common sense rules for coaching a couple being....when a player is hot you [expletive]ing play him and another being when you have a star like Martin as your best player you run [expletive] for him not for you below average point guards. ' Can someone please explain why you would designe a pick and roll between Lowery and Hill when you have Martin on the floor? not to mention the fact that Martin was on the complete other side. [expletive]!
  7. If we lose this game it will once again be due to coaching. Why would you run a Lowery/Hill pick and roll instead of Martin/Hill pick and roll. What does Rick have against Martin that he always does dumb [expletive] like this? Not to mention the fact that Martin was just sat for over 10 minutes.
  8. Finally Lee did something! Martin better be put in before the 6 minute mark.
  9. Please put starters in soon Rick please! Hill thank you form being completely worthless tonight.
  10. Lets go bench extend this lead. Martin continuing to play well.
  11. We gotta play defense next half or we will blow this game. Kevin Martin is having himself a good night so far.
  12. I love that we scored 37 in the first quarter but we also allowed 32 which is horrible. The last 4 minutes of the first we played no defense.
  13. Martin and Scola are off to good starts, putting in 10 points a piece in the first 10 minutes.
  14. Aight so we are just going to leave comparison topics and best at certain position topics where they are at?
  15. I gotta give it to the Fish, Nitro had it uptill Fish's last three lines. Fish - 1 Nitro - 0
  16. Just cuz he is a better shooter that dont mean he is a poor playmaker. I have not seen alot of Warriors basketball but from what I have seen he is an above average player and an outstanding shooter. Defense imo is his biggest weakness.
  17. I just moved about 7 pages, I might do some more later tonight but for not i am calling it quits. Brandon can you make a General NFL talk section, we have alot of random stuff that really has to do with the NFL as a whole not particular teams.
  18. I will do a fat chunk of them tomorrow at work, but tonight i have other [expletive] to take care of.
  19. http://smiledaily.org/myPictures/Volunteer%20Smiley%2001.jpg
  20. Good signing by the Mavs if they actually are able to get this done.
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