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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. eff you man! I missed the game because i was out.

  2. Yeah but the Mavs really dont need another big time scorer either. I think if they can get a good defender to make it tough on stars like Kobe, Durant, and even Manu it would be better suited for the Mavs especially in the playoffs. I personally think giving up 4 points is worth it.
  3. This feild has been terrible all day, I dont think there has been a play where someone hasn't slipped yet.
  4. If we some how do manage to get him, I really hope we dont end up giving up to much for him. In Morey we believe.
  5. Damn UO is playing some terrible defense right now.
  6. Damn the one game we win this year I cant catch... Damn you wingstop! Lol
  7. Well yeah he is not perfect lol, but when you are comparing him to SJax I think Iggy would be better suited.
  8. [expletive]!!!! Wtf was up with that drives defense? Lets go Ducks.
  9. Yup they are gassing that defense out quick right now.
  10. First off Butler is out for year so that would be no issue. And second off why would Iggy not fit, he is a very unselfish player, scores just like if not better that Butler and definately plays better defense than anyone on the entire Mavs squad. So why would he not work?
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