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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. First Gates gets his 500th career reception and then another td this time a 26 yards. Gates - 5-106-2tds
  2. [expletive]ing Sproles! Why the [expletive] do we even play him? God damn it!
  3. Beautiful first drive, loved the balance with the run and pass. 89 yard drive topped off with a 33 yard TD pass to Gates.
  4. Did not expect it but it was good to see that Philly fan gave a standing o to McNabb.
  5. LT is playing like the old LT I love to see that.
  6. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs693.snc4/63342_1606808740315_1539080128_1509200_2338818_n.jpg
  7. Yeah that''s how sad our special teams is. -_-
  9. Most Rockets fans have known this since Wednesday, not a big deal he was back on the floor after walking it off but the trainers are obviously going to be very cautious when it comes to Yao that is why they called it a day for him. EDIT: and Kingfish at least he is going to start this season.
  10. Damn the Greenbay spread is 14.5 damn!
  11. Just a dude who is not longer with us, heavy postpadder, super stupid, front runner, and what got him banned was spamming. He also tried to steal your name but everyone knew that was not going to happen lol.
  12. ahhhoooo look who dropped by. Hows it been Alex? How's the interviewing work been going?
  13. Not if you need a receiver very bad. He has been begging people to give up a receiver for a running back (he has like 5 starters). Tough break you guys had 3+ weeks to take advantage of the situation and no one took it. The trade has been allowed.
  14. I believe Rivers leave before anyone of these guys, I just hope Coach K can teach rivers what smart shots are and how to pass.
  15. Trade Allowed. It was not a rape by any means.
  16. http://www.comedycentral.com/tosh.0/files/2010/09/bike.jpg :o ....... ............
  17. I hope so, he literally did everything right as an Eagle.
  18. Flo Rida - Club Can't Handle Me ft. David Guetta Loving this song right now.
  19. If the Giants can control the turnovers and penalties they will have a great shot at winning this game, but if Eli continues trying to do to much and that o line continues to get personal foul calls then this game will be over by halftime.
  20. It should be a standing O but it wont be because it is Philly. The ratio will more than likely be around 70-30 boos to applause.
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