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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. This is when I like KG, but when he goes off cussing after every play and tries to hurt players that's when i lose love for him.
  2. Yeah agreed. Glad to see that is getting in better shape, there is a very good chance this is going to be his final chance to make a run for the finals. I personally would love to see him get there. Lets also hope his defense has improved over the summer, cause it really could not have gotten any worse last year.
  3. He came out said that that video was fake thats why. You need to watch Tosh.0 lol
  4. That is the same kid that made the fake video of him mom canceling the WOW account. This [expletive] is fake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YersIyzsOpc
  5. LINK You have to do what you have to do, cant really say anymore.
  6. Yeah, it is not a bad thing that we have pulled out but if we are out I wish we are 100% for the remainder of the season (unless we struggle of course) I dont want it that if the price tag drops half way then we get back into it.
  7. ok so it really is not win one lose one but it is close to that lol.
  8. 1. Hows your day been so far? 2. OTR>>Anyother site? 3. Vincent Jackson for Haynesworth and a second rounder? 4. McNabb make the Probowl? 5. Wall ROTY? 6. If you could shoot someone in the face and not get in trouble who would it be and why? 7. #1 thing on your bucket list? 8. Favorite food? 9. Asian or Mexican? (chick) 10. Favorite song right now?
  9. Not surprised, it was bound to happen lol. You need to be consistent like me, win one lose one. lol
  10. Damn I fell bad for him, there is only so much disappointment one can take before breaking down I would not be surprised he he decided to call it quits if this continues to hold him out.
  11. Very valid point, I can also actually see that happening. haha i did not even notice that, good work B.
  12. :lol: Agreed it is a part of the game everyone gets held, some get caught more than others for example Alex Barron he gets caught alot lol.
  13. Damn look at Brandon jump to the #1spot.
  14. He was not a leader and he will never be a leader, it just does not suit his personality.
  15. I still cant believe Matt Schaub was so close. Has there really been only 10 people to have a 500 yard games or is that the only ones you decided to post?
  16. haha Cutler just broke that dudes ankles.
  17. Exactly, the media is not all over his nuts anymore so he has to say [expletive] like this to stay on the map.
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