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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. He will be boo'd like crazy I really cant see any Cleveland fan cheering for him if he were to leave.
  2. He is definately worth every mother [expletive]ing penny, there really is no other guy you would want to have signed for the next 5 years more than Durant.
  3. Dont believe it. I cant see Lebron being possibly the third option on offense ever.
  4. Ellis and possibly Amare together in NY, that would be fun to watch.
  5. So Amare is not a Knick yet for sure? Signing Amare (thinking long term deal) really would not make sense for the Nets anyways seeing that they did just draft Favors.
  6. We have had Batista who is a super quite dude, and we are Chuck Yeager's place to stay in Reno when he comes down for a couple of conventions a year.
  7. lol HELL yeah he is going to be making 20+ million when he is 35 years old. Signing JJ was a good move on the Hawks part but signing him to a 6 years 120 million dollar deal was a terrible move.
  8. I work at a hotel and do just about everything. I am normally either at the front desk or working sales.
  9. And that is it! Lesnar wins with submission! Sucks for the people who actually paid 50 bucks for this.
  10. Horrible Round One for Lesnar he got straight [expletive]ed up.
  11. They both are the same, but as mentioned above you would same a little bit with Nike.
  12. Good signing for both Salmons and the Bucks. About 6-8 million a year is the amount he should be getting and now he is.
  13. Well Farmar is gone for sure now. Atleast he can say he has more rings than Lebron through lol.
  14. lol If Steve Nash really wanted to win a ring he would have already asked for a trade, with him keeping his mouth shut only shows that he does not care if they really get anywhere or not he just want to get paid. But getting back to topic I think it would be smart for the Suns if the cant manage to land someone big in FA to trade Nash he has great trade value so getting some young talent or picks should not be a problem.
  15. It would be sick if the Blazers were to get him but I just see him moving at all, he is the face of that franchise.
  16. damn i just saw you reply lamo, i doing well man thanks for asking

  17. http://www.nba.com/2010/news/06/29/yao.return.ap/index.html?ls=iref:nbahpt2 I knew this was coming but I am glad it is done now.
  18. No that is wrong...apparently he has no life so that is why he continues to troll all the sites he has been already banned from.
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