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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Why is O'Neal shooting so much to start the game off?
  2. lol good one, you would reply with something stupid like that.
  3. What up [expletive]

  4. Ok he went up against tough competition, I never [expletive]ing said he didn't dumbass. I never said I could rap that is why I did not join the one time I did you fools called me out and you fools lost. what crap? It is people like me that end stuff?? wtf that does not even make any sense what have I done? I can say what ever I want and have a discussion with who ever I want. We are not talking about you so you should just shut the [expletive] up and go about your business. Also I am not stoping anyone from voting if they want to vote they can i am not stoping them.
  5. Damn It! if only Jennings had hit that three ball.
  6. lol for real, if he had any flow he might have got a mercy vote but he did not even get that.
  7. But it made sense lol, and when is rhyming a bad thing in a rap? he thought out his words clearly and made complete sense with what he was saying.
  8. Damn did they really have to show that Bogut fall again.
  9. The size and physicality that the Hawks are playing with is just way to much right now for the Bucks.
  10. The Cavs literally got away with every call tonight, and Shaq also seems to be in the best shap he has been in a while. Rose needs a star along side of him.
  11. The sickest lines so far in the whole battle. Legacy you were creative with the quotes but flow, words, and the "lols" went to Jeet. Confidence - 2 Legacy - 0
  12. good rap mother [expletive]er

  13. If he helps you out with the payments and is not a douche when it comes to cleaning then yeah I dont see why not.
  14. Sorta looks good but when you look at the health aspect of it, it makes the so called "sandwich" repulsive.
  15. LOL, yeah I think that is him, I think he has been doing that just to mess with Legacy. I still could care less about this rep system.
  16. lol that sounds so gay it is hilarious.
  17. I just tuned in (ESPN), anyone else watching this?
  18. Stop being a fool and put some effort into it, we are now talking about some serious $$$.
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