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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. The Warriors are killing themselves right now, missing 3 layups and tripping on there own feet in the last 2 minutes.
  2. Last time both of these teams played it was a great game and finish, it is looking very promising again 35-35 end of the first.
  3. Yeah that is true, but if you are to think about it he really is not making much unlike what the Redskins paid Haynesworth last year.
  4. Adam Schefter - Twitter You like lkr?
  5. Damn this is getting ugly...for the Cavs... wtf?
  6. Micheal Smith - Twitter Well he got his wish, and then some.
  7. lol at that one guy wearing a Pistons Snuggie.
  8. lol that is hilarious, most snuggies worn at one time.
  9. Amen to that, I want him to go to the Bears(if they can still afford him) or Chargers(if we cant sign VJ).
  10. lol for real, TruTrogan must be heart broken.
  11. Twitter - AdamSchefter Great signing by the Falcons, they need a good CB.
  12. I know that it has been bothering for some years now but it seems to be getting worse as time goes, and lol at him thinking he is hurting the team.
  13. lol ok Chad we all saw what you did against Revis in the playoffs.
  14. Gasoft just got [expletive] on!!!!!
  15. That was a very nice move by Kobe to finsh the quater off.
  16. He came back in the game so I would have thought he was ok but I guess not.
  17. Hell yeah, the way fish falls backwards into the cameras was great. Also love the D Wade one.
  18. Granger is having himself a beast of a night so far, hopefully he gets some help soon but I doubt it.
  19. I knew it haha, lol that would be his first post back. Stick around this time Snake.
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