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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Should be a good one, if we can contain Nash passing to Amare I think we will be fine. Landry will have a huge game, hopefully we dont get killed by a no name. I have us winning this one by 8.
  2. Same they might not extend him but they will keep him aroud for another one. I also think that the Cowboys will not win this game, do to horrible coaching and play calling.
  3. You guys always have a bad game agaist us, at least we kept it close unlike the Mavs. Why does Bynum only play well when Gasol is out?
  4. Curry, he is a dead on shooter something you need from your pg, has better vision than he is given credit for, and also is on the Warriors where the only offense they have is five out.
  5. Welcome back. lol no love for Slaven?
  6. I would agree Right now it would have to be Marshall but it would not even be close if you are taking about Moss in his prime.
  7. Good work Matt. I think if anyone coming out of this draft has a chance to become a star QB it would be Colt McCoy.
  8. Eagles pull this one out and Jerry Jones cries. Dallas offense will get into pass mode way to fast, and that will lead to ints by Romo and a loss.
  9. We are going to be ahead all game but in the 4th the Lakers will turn it on and make this one close. Ariza hits the game winning shot!
  10. Well he got injured for the last 2-3 games, also was benched for 2 games because he could not hold on to the ball, and was taken out/ given a limited role for a couple of other games because he fumbled early on.
  11. LETS GO EAGELS! Desean is a very cocky man but he normally backs it up with his play lets hope that happens again, this weekend.
  12. That is also very very hard I am thinking 34-37 max.
  13. 1. Chris Johnson - Only will get better, great fit in that offense 2. Adrian Peterson - Having Farve around will reduce his touches but if Farve leaves then he is #1 3. Maurice Jones Drew - The only player the Jags have period. 4. Ray Rice - Will get more work load in that offense. 5. Steven Jackson - The only play the Rams have period. 6. Michael Turner - Will bounce back and have a great year if he stays healthy, only thing that worries me is that with Ryan going into his 3rd year they might start looking to pass more. 7. Frank Gore - With the pass game opening up for the 49ers, it will only take more players out of the box. 8. Ronnie Brown - WILDCAT! 9. Steve Slaton - Will bounce back he would have had a great year this year if only he had kept the ball in his hands a bit more. 10. Rashard Mendenhall - Steelers will get back to smash mouth football.
  14. I know the Eagles are not going to take it up the [expletive] next week. Dallas is still going to need to play an A game.
  15. Lets hope Cards get some things worked out going into next week.
  16. It is not like you are going to have a month off, it would only be a week. They are pro athletes one week does not get them rusty.
  17. lol field goals missed have hurt the Ravens all year.
  18. That hard earned drive by the Raiders offense is about to go to waste in 47 seconds.
  19. lmao or not, fumble and the ball is back to the Cowboys.
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