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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Your gonna be living off your RBs all year long (which are great btw).
  2. Statically think Brady is gonna go ape shit on the entire league this year, but with that being said I think defense is gonna be the determining factor on which one goes further. With that being said I would have to go with the Packers as Pats defense just hasn't shown me anything yet. (Pats defense was super young last year and have the potential of being mad raw this year, but that happening is still to be seen)
  3. Lol Dirk and Kobe are argueably the two toughest players to guard, put on the same team would have been cray!
  4. Yeah but for the Bucks I'm looking at it right now. And IMO for them right now to win they need both. And winning right now should be priority as that's the only way they attract more FA towards them.
  5. Also i think he is going to have a very much similar career to Pau Gasol. Maybe make it to the playoffs, but not any further (unless rubio and others pan out) he needs a player that just as good if not better than him to take him to the next step.
  6. Kevin Love might have the numbers for a franchise player, but he doesnt have anything else. When i think of franchise players you think of Kobe, Durant, Dirk, Pierce and a few others. Players that not only want the ball when it matters but demand it. Players that can be trusted to make a basket or a play when it matters, Love doesnt have that yet he can get there but hasnt yet. To me for one to become a franchise it takes more than just numbers.
  7. Go to a loan shark, borrow 100,000 get my mom and then dip to the other side of the country with the 5 grand I have and start over.
  8. They have been saying this about him since his Chicago years. Will believe when I see It.
  9. Maybe because its dumbass topic and only is going to get bashed on. There is a reason they are Hall of Fame players, and yes the games and players have evolved but that cant be really measured in anyway therefore making it irrelevant.
  10. I agree with the video, both guys are dumb as [expletive]. But i have to say Perez is the bigger idiot for walking over and then not walking away. Why did he feel he had to talk back? he makes millions and i believe has had a good year. Therefore having nothing to prove. Walk away man, fans are gonna be fans there is no winning against them.
  11. Yes it would be a great thing to do, but it also might just be a little to much.
  12. Not really you basically saying there are players in the Hall of Fame, that today wouldn't even be starters. You definitely didn't think this through.
  13. Well there were points where he couldn't get much worse, so I'd say yes. And with Germanys track record he should do a lot better.
  14. He would be what 31 years old? lol if he can still play then why not? three gold medals would be cray!
  15. Ok. Good to hear they wont be going with these.
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