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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Well yeah that acting carear really is not going as planned.
  2. Game over bulls we in it for a while but now they are just running up and down thats all.
  3. They are still a good team injuries are just killing them bit time.
  4. I have the feeling the bulls are going to give them a good run tonight.
  5. I was thinking the same thing it would give them a go to guy that need big time down there.
  6. Welcome have fun and stay active here you will enjoy it.
  7. Any thoughts on where he might end up next?
  8. Well we played them hard tonight looking from the box score. Landry has been playing amazing so far this year.
  9. Yeah I thought someone had an idea like this could not think of who. Some one needs to step up and say I can run this, doing it on jtv would be great for OTR. I am sure we can get enough people to take up the competition. Who's down to run this?
  10. Melo would make a good case but I think Kobe has it.
  11. Yeah no one would take AIM seriously that is why I dont like that. How would we set up a tournament here?
  12. First off I have no idea if this is the right forum to post it under. Mod please move it if it is not. I was thinking that we should have a OTR competition like Stump the Schuab kinda. We should get about 10-15 members and have one person giving them random basketball questions that test basketball intelligence, stats ect. We could do it on AIM but I think if we did it on like on a website with live stream, justin.tv maybe or something like that we could attract alot more attention and possible members for this place. Thoughts?
  13. Peyton has always been better than Brady and always will be. and when it comes to Jim Caldwell > Bill Belicheck idk that is tough to say it was a call the Bill would make being the big headed person he is, unfortunately it lead to a loss for the Pats tonight.
  14. lmao i was going to correct him and say that but decided not.
  15. Hope the best for him, so there is really no news on what was wrong?
  16. corrected, and cant say no one saw it coming it was only a matter of time.
  17. Rockets vs Hawks in the Championship would be fantastic you even know that.
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