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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Missed the game winning field goal. Really a bad way to lose.
  2. +1 Just wait till the season starts.
  3. He is [expletive] hurt he got raped in a rap battle. I would say some laker fans not all, some have brains some dont.
  4. The damn pizza guy just wercked the back of my car. While dilvering me Pizza.
  5. Yeah that is the only good thing no one got hurt.
  6. ^ Guess what I honestly from the bottom of my heart how you get in a wreck and die!
  7. Well I am working an the guy who is delevering my pizza comes in and forgets to put his car in park. Well the car that is in the first parking just happens to be MINE! He smashes my back bumper just about completely off. Well so now my entire back bumper is just about to fall off and I cant really drive it for a while. What are the [expletive]ing odds of the one time I get the first parking I get my bumper smashed. FML!
  8. lol ok that is a QB just throw the ball without looking, the guy slipped dumbass.
  9. Great episode! Thanks Mav$life for trying. I found a link for this so if anyone ever needs it hit me up.
  10. I think the Bears got a good deal out of this, very well could be a steal.
  11. I missed this weeks episode so i would love it if someone could pm me an online link.
  12. Pick 2: Edwards vs Buf LT vs Den Boldin vs Sea
  13. Now thats what I am talking about Danny. Welcome to OTR.
  14. Hellllll no not yet. But yes I hope the Titans win here.
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