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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. WTF? He is a [expletive]ing golfer nothing like baseball. Bolt would be a reciever, where he would run straight down the feild (like a sprint) and try to catch the ball.
  2. The dude is right what you want me to say. A stupid thing should not give him 2 years in prison.
  3. Yeah that is what I was thinking. Yeah one hit would kill the dude but still he would make the the defense respect the deep ball so much it would make the running game so much better.
  4. Man I hate how every movies comes out the day I work. First chance I get I am going to watch this.
  5. Kobe for all the reasons stated above by everyone.
  6. Man this is dumb you go to prison for a crime like murder, robery, rape, and BAD things like that not for being stupid. He should have not gotten that much time behind bars. It should have been like 1000 hours community service, and maybe 90 days in jail but not 2 years. Thats just dumb.There is not way he sould have gone to jail for more time than Stallworth and just as much as Vick. They wanted to make an example out of him and they did.
  7. Eagels with Vick at wildcat is crazy.
  8. LMAO Farve is suck a [expletive]ing drama queen.
  9. Very nice work I read a few of them, obviously we will disagree with some but for the most part the we think the same. Great work.
  10. I hope not I have Addai in a couple leagues. Also if Addai were to get benched we would never hear the end of it from Jeet.
  11. I picked Usain Bolt because I have not seen him lose yet.
  12. Pick one and explain why you picked him.
  13. Jazz fan <_< Nah bro, welcome have fun and stay active.
  14. We will be in the run to make the playoffs, I am really no sure if we will be able to make it though.
  15. I give it a 5 star, great game not great at it yet but i will get there just need some more time to play.
  16. Anyone seen it? I was personally looking forward to seeing the movie, but was actually disappointed. Way to long and not that great of a story.
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