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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Yahoos name isn't as good as espns lol out side of that it's literally nothing.
  2. Came out today that he was a war vet. Its becoming more and more common to see war vets becoming mad (in the head) and doing stupid things. The army really needs to start controlling this shit somehow.
  3. Glad to see you have decided to join both.
  4. No way we let you take the title again. Sounds good.
  5. Its the same one as last year renewed, and yes its on Yahoo. Email Invites have been sent out to all members who were in it last year. For others who want to join, here you go. Group ID# 11207 Password: OTR
  6. Argentina smacks us if we play the same as last game. Let hope Coach K put them all in their place the last couple of days.
  7. Dont care either way is fine with me.
  8. for real i have never heard anyone say Olympic hoops are boring.
  9. Lol Davis is an idiot. And Melo is RAINING!!
  10. I wish that ends up as our starting line up. Gotta manage a way to ship Martin first though.
  11. Every league has inactive members, its something you just have to live with.
  12. We had two of thoes last year and both were dead a [expletive] for some reason. Im down to join if one is made but for some reason ppl don't stay active on ESPN.
  13. I say we do it live man. We don't have the activity here Now days to do it offline. Pick a date that the majority can make and draft.
  14. If you hadn't said not to i would have.
  15. wow this is worse than me and Iman bitching away
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