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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Welcome bro, don't really know you but look forward to see you around here.
  2. Ouch that sucks. Great work on the banners very nice.
  3. A fully healthy Boston is still the best team in the East, but getting Shaq does make the Cavs a better team.
  4. Welcome have fun, and stay active.
  5. http://www.collegeshade.com/images_products/university_of_nevada_wolfpack_house_flag_25267big.jpg
  6. Peyton Manning because he was not a part of Sypgate.
  7. It is going to be hilarious, cant wait to see it.
  8. I am a Sales Manager at a hotel my Parents own.
  9. It is great to see people that were not active be active again.
  10. Welcome to the best. I look forward to seeing you call people lad.
  11. People have been saying that for a couple of years now, for his sake I hope it is true.
  12. Welcome, and stay active.
  13. Very sexy, you should do something like that for someone on the rockets I really would appreciate it, but if you are to busy I also understand that.
  14. Welcome have fun and stay active
  15. "He got our attention. We will walk right past him." -- Brandon
  16. Nice to see you come back.
  17. Nice, I did not want him to just dissapear from the game.
  18. No one will ever even get close to him. RIP
  19. I have to say yes, if he can keep producing the way he right now, if not then i really dont know.
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