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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Miami better be sending his ass to Germany lol The team won't miss him.
  2. According to what the crew just said he isn't a great shooter but will do shit like hustle and take charges.
  3. Nah man he will develop into a a good pg. you have always just been a hater.
  4. Good move by both Kings and Portland. Especially Sac.
  5. Wow now that's a surprise! Gildchrist number 2?!?
  6. As expected. Good for New Orleans they got themselves a stud.
  7. I would actually like to have Rudy. The dude is young and he can play. Wouldn't mind him at all.
  8. Thank god. I knew we didn't want him but I had a feeling he might have been a plan C or some shit. Thank god he's completely out of the picture now.
  9. Another good move, we moved up 2 spots and we freed up some solid cap space. So far so good.
  10. I like this move for the Warriors. If they the can remain healthy. Curry, Chandler, Lee, and Bogut could do serious work.
  11. Ehh i don't this is going to help much for either teams. The first round pick is a good grab though.
  12. Depending on the price, I'm in favor of getting Josh Smith. I feel he really has the hunger to win it all right now and he knows it's not going to happen in Atlanta. Depending on the rest of the cast I think it could work.
  13. Lol well this would really hurt the entire league.
  14. I really feel that If we get Dwight, DWill is ours without a doubt.
  15. Damn that would be a huge trade if it went down. Both unhappy players would be shipped and we would move to the 5th spot in the draft. I like very much.
  16. Morey doing work lol great move on our part, terrible move on the Wolves part. I understand why people would want Bud but what I don't understand is what overpay so heavy for him. Regardless thanks Wolves.
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