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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. Lol at Pryzibilla (sp) falling in his ass while fouls LeBron.
  2. And wtf happen to feeding Aldridge? He only had the first 12 points for them.
  3. Wade and LeBron are flat out killing right now. It's not even fair lol
  4. I put $50 on Miami tonight lets hope they don't [expletive] me.
  5. Been betting at casinos for years now, well before i was 21. Never been asked for ID.
  6. I was looking at it the manner that he said he consumers protein two times a day which would be around 100grams a sitting. Which would be wayyy to much.
  7. http://blog.chron.com/ultimaterockets/wp-content/blogs.dir/2380/files/february-rockets/rockets9_6.jpg
  8. Why would Boston trade trade their best player? Sounds [expletive]ing stupid to me lol
  9. Holy shit man, your only only suppose to eat 35-40 grams of protein for every 4 hours. You might want to keep that in mind. Anymore than that it won't help in anyway,
  10. Bosh, mainly due to his running style and fake tough guy act here and there. And lol at Wade getting hated on more the LBJ right.
  11. Lmao at all the people saying it was intentional. To me it didn't look intentional in any way, was it a bit of a hard foul? Yes, due to the fact that it is an allstate game. But I think it was more of a reaction than anything else, no harm intentions from Wade IMO.
  12. Not really. I bet on a game a day at a casino on my way to class, I basically double my bet everyday. I feel if you bet smart you can make good money. lol
  13. Agreed eating right is the hardest thing in the world.
  14. How many people here place bets either online or at a bar/casino? Lately i have been betting and winning just about everyday. I don't put down a lot (normally around $20) but i have been doing it quite often.
  15. Nah man imo it only takes a mind set to get it done. I am a full time student and full time employed and i still manage to get both lifting and basketball in 5 days a week. Make a plan and put your mind to it.
  16. He only averaged 27 ppg and 7.7 apg. Rose it the best PG in the game today. Yes he isnt the passer Paul is but but a case can be made that Paul isnt the passer Rondo is either as Rondo does that make Rondo better than Paul?
  17. Yeah but if someone had done that same dunk, everyone would have been like oh he copied. The reason for the decline of the dunk contest is because of the fact that so many dunks have already been done. Its getting harder and harder for people to come up with new great dunks that why we are seeing more and more props being used. imo it was a good dunk contest.
  18. CBud should have won because he was at a disadvantage being white, and still managed to do decent work.
  19. [expletive] THAT SHIT! CBUD deserved that shit!
  20. Posts like these make a person not want to be active. Just saying.
  21. I wouldn't say its not even close but the Dream Team does take it by a little bit.
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