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Everything posted by ChosenOne

  1. I said last year you guys need to clean house and rebuild. I dont know why this organization still believes that Bogut and Jennings can make something happen. Its been a lost cause. Ship everyone!
  2. Nice! EDIT: I like the way this kid played today, hes gonna be something special for the Knicks.
  3. Whats the chance of Shumpert becoming a starter?
  4. lmfao really booker you gonna bitch for that long after getting hit in the face?
  5. Looks wise Beats does beat Bose out but quality wise Bose is more than just a little bit better.
  6. Never took fish oil, is that only for joints or does it help other shit as well? The main things when trying to get bigger is eating and consumption of protein IMO that's all i did to get bigger.
  7. Lol exactly and it was gonna be with free shipping.
  8. Lol that why you never go to gmc everything they offer is over priced do to the store name. Internet is the way to go my friend, I basically buy all my shit off amazon.
  9. Manu Ginobili @manuginobili I have the 5th metacarpal of my left hand fractured. I guess I'll miss a few weeks. Sad day 4 me. I don't think he's gonna pull a Kobe.
  10. Bulls banner is [expletive]ing sick! Well done B!
  11. Diet has been [expletive]ed up the last two weeks, getting back on top it today.
  12. Wade hasn't had a market push because of Converse who he's sponsored by. Converse is terrible when it comes to marketing their product and their stars for that matter. If Wade was with Nike he would be just as big.
  13. May the year 2012 bring nothing but the best!
  14. The only have DRose and Howard as far as i know. lol Its gonna be tough competing with Nike.
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