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Everything posted by Guru

  1. It is obviously a less of a risk if you smoke only one or two vs a pack a day. But you really have no idea when or if it could actually kill you. I started off at 1-2 a day as well than it escalated to 8-10. But the thing is that I can easily go without them. Winterbreak for example, I didn't smoke a bogey for a whole 30 days. Straight cold turkey. I like to do that once and while to know that I can. I've been smoking Newports heavily for about 3 years now.
  2. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating when I say it is easily the Yankees but it still IS the Yankees. If you would seriously take the Red Sox entire lineup over the Yankees lineup I don't know what to tell you except get your head out of your ass.
  3. 3 peat. I'm calling it now, quote me.
  4. Shwayze is pretty much wanna be pop music. Real talk.
  5. Champagne wishes, 30 white [expletive]es.

    1. NomarFachix


      I mean this shit is... [expletive]in ridiculous

  6. Welcome to 2008.
  7. leave it b/w; don't take graphic advice from people that have no idea what they are talking about. Looks pretty good, lighting is too harsh in some spots but overall it's solid.
  8. Damn if ARod hit that about 2 feet further it would have been gone
  9. It is one thing to choose not to smoke but if you have never smoked (if you did once chances are you didn't smoke it properly) how do you know it is a waste of money? Lol, if you put it that way all drugs are a waste of money.
  10. when I'm dead gone.... I got one last wish put my Yankee hat on!!!
  11. Properly shoot a basketball. ELBOW IN BITCHES.
  12. Smoking is bad for you.........http://www.rapgodfathers.info/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/troll2.gif
  13. Lmao there is no defense in this game at all.
  14. I had to use vlookups for Econometrics last semester. What's your problem?
  15. I agree that it is hit or miss with tweeners. (And that most of the time it is a miss) But you can't eliminate a prospect just because there he is a tweener imo. There have been some great tweeners in the NBA. PG/SG - Allen Iverson, Baron Davis, Monta Ellis etc. SF/PF - Kevin Garnett, Dirk Nowitzki, Lamar Odom, Charles Barkley etc.
  16. http://jockpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/skip-bayless-dougie.gif Damn I can't wait for 1&10 tomorrow.
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