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Everything posted by Guru

  1. This is a bit off topic but what happened to Malice?
  2. KASHMIR HAMARA HAI..../just saying
  3. Guru

    Blind Fury Too iLL!

    My boy Moon (I know him in real life) is so taking this clown down this week. NEC!
  4. I don't think it has to do with Toronto it has more to do with Canada in general. No American born player wants to leave his country willingly. I mean Canada is the shit...don't get me wrong. The parties in Montreal are [expletive]ing crazy.
  5. Everything he said makes perfect sense. I can understand why younger players would not want to live in Utah. I don't even know how this is news to be honest lol
  6. http://static.funnyjunk.com/pictures/63742913_a742_21090.jpg
  7. 96 from Karmaloop. It was the last pair they had in stock in size 10
  8. http://a.yfrog.com/img614/1859/pcfsw.jpg Decided to go with the white laces. It was sweet that the shoe came with a pair of both white and black laces
  9. Blah-de-bee-bee, blah blah blah-be-dee-, blooh-blah. I didn’t read a word you said ... hippity-hoo blah.
  10. Basketball wise, Arenas' decline reminds me of Marbury's decline. They are very similar players imo.
  11. The last I read on it said iPhone 5 or 4Gs or w/e is set for release in September. Update: No iPhone 5 until 2012 according to MacRumors. But even as an iPhone lover, I have to admit the HTC Thunderbolt looks [expletive]ing dope.
  12. On some real shit though, I get [expletive]. That's all you need to know.
  13. Nice I completely forgot about And 1 shoes. I'm probably gonna pick me up a pair within the next couple of months for cheap.
  14. I wouldn't wear but they look cool
  15. man that's a [expletive]ing atomic bomb right there
  16. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/066/3/e/__all_the_time___by_mimblewimble-d3b49fu.gif
  17. I'm not going to get into an argument about musical preference here because I think that is the stupidest thing to argue about. But I still do stand by Flash's point that a lot of people hate on Wayne because it is the cool thing to do on the internet. I can understand people hating his whole gay rock phrase but overall he is not a horrible rapper. You go back to 2007-2008ish and I bet you this topic would have went differently. People were all over his dick when The Carter 3 came out. It also probably has to do with this new movement in recent years on the internet in which "all mainstream stuff is garbage".
  18. I'm probably going to pick up a pair under 50-60 in a couple of months. I hate spending money on basketball shoes because after every summer they get messed up and I have to buy a new pair.
  19. lol just got tired of it and took it off
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