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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I'm pretty sure Smitty can cook but the cleaning is a must
  2. It has it ups and downs. Atleast most girls are clean and like to keep the place clean. But it will completely suck if you try to bring home another girl while she is your roommate.
  3. I approve of your actions. IDGAF.
  4. Just get rid of the entire rep system imo. It will stop a lot of the baiting. I'm all for poking fun at other members but some of us seem to be doing it in areas outside of off-topic which derails the purpose of this board. The only thing I like about the rep system is that sometimes I'll +1 a post instead of just quoting it and saying "I agree".
  5. He'll be a decent role player. Saying that he will be anything more than that is pushing it IMO.
  6. Damn you it's still a high of 40 degrees up here <_<
  7. Either way, the play that was drawn up was horrible. Why would you not get Williams the ball closer to the basket when you are only down by 2?
  8. How people think he is the worst rapper alive blows MY mind.
  9. wow. awful play call by Arizona to end it
  10. OMGGGGG this game is coming down to the wire
  11. kemba walker's crossovers are disgusting
  12. Lmao @ Walker throwing up the bloodz sign
  13. Great defensive anticipation on that steal. UConn with a quick little run here.
  14. Isn't soccer on a running clock though? (I could be wrong, I don't know shit about soccer)
  15. Better: We didn't get Melo but we got Deron Williams for cheaper.
  16. WTF does that have to do with this topic lmfao
  17. This game is going to be insane. I have UConn taking this one.
  18. Naaa ...Skip Bayless may have some outrageous views but the man knows his sports. And in this case, I agree with him.
  19. lmao. i really didn't care because he wasn't wacking it while looking at me but the girls were flipping out haha
  20. Lol I didn't want to bring this story up because it is disturbing but you guys need to hear it. So, one night a bunch of friends and I decide to go clubbing in NYC. (Free transit week FTW). We had to take the subway to get to Brooklyn. On the way back, we are all drunk as hell. The subway was packed so we had to sit next to this hobo who just happens to be sitting next to a cop. The girls that I was with were obviously wearing little, skimpy, hoeish outfits. So anyways, next thing we know the hobo takes off one of his socks. Then he proceeded to put the sock on his dick. He didn't whip his dick out, he just put it on underneath his pants. We are all staring at him like wtf is he doing. All of a sudden, he whips his dick out (with the sock on it) and just starting jerking off while staring at the girls that we were with. We all looked at the cop like wtf do something. And all he said was that there was nothing he could do because technically the hobo wasn't breaking any laws. So the hobo just continued to beat it until we got off the subway. Also, we couldn't just deck the hobo either because the [expletive]ing cop was right there. Awkward ass situation. True [expletive]ing story. Can't make that shit up.
  21. Fist fights? Man that is easily one of the normal things that I've seen on the subway. I can't even begin to explain the crazy things I see EVERY TIME I ride the subway in NYC.
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