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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Hahaha the Chris Bosh pic is "winning"
  2. Tiki could suck my dick.
  3. Collab wit my dude PD21 http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/067/9/c/redman_and_method_man_by_pd21-d3b7kgk.png
  4. Try doing supersets to failure on every set for a week. That should shock your body into growing.
  5. Depends whether you are doing weight training exercises or body weight exercises. When I do weights I work them every 2-3 days. If I'm doing body weight exercises I work them everyday. Usually I do weights while bulking and body weight while cutting. I'm cutting right now so I work them everyday.
  6. I've hated Lebron dating all the way back to his days in High School.
  7. Her street was a dead end so not really. Shut your virgin ass up.
  8. Do you know where she lives? I bought a bunch of candles and went to her street. On the street I lined up the candles so that they spelled out "PROM?" It was at night so it looked tight. My friend helped me light the candles and shit cause it was windy and they kept going out. But eventually we got them all lit and I called her talked to her a bit and told her to look out her window. She said yes, I smashed. The end.
  9. In related news, Spike Lee is wildin http://d.yimg.com/a/p/sp/ap/7e/fullj.a229036a9a92983f428ef2c2bdf7c9d1/ap-97d1aa96427c47a0a14f31b8476e49e0.jpg
  10. And instead of responding to his points you are responding to us. Nice.
  11. Hubie Brown's voice is mad annoying.
  12. Hahaha this Shaq and Biggie story on SportsCenter is [expletive]ing awesome.
  13. But... Lebron is soooo clutch! Seriously, IDGAF what the numbers say. From here on out Wade needs to be the one with the ball in the closing seconds of the game.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gWD4g63RNI
  15. Why should pre-teens not be hearing the stuff he is saying? Just because he isn't completely shooting down drugs and sex than he should quieted? That is like saying kids shouldn't learn about how good sex feels because they will all go crazy and become pregnant at the age of 12. This is easily your strongest point in this debate but I disagree with the idea that Sheen is in the wrong. About half of America has tried drugs atleast once in their lives and most of them didn't become addicts. It is fine to hate the fact that he is applauding his previous drug use but I don't see how he is wrong for simply stating how he feels.
  16. Charlie Sheen is encouraging others to do drugs? News to me. There is a big difference between encouraging others to do drugs and simply answering questions about his drug use. Charlie Sheen doesn't get paid to be a role model.
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