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Everything posted by Guru

  1. I like where this is going http://www.backstagegfx.com/forum/uploads/U141-1298859980.png
  2. Spike Lee doesn't do anything but go to Knicks games lol
  3. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VNHBhe4KbWc/TDnG96UGTvI/AAAAAAAAAG8/5U2Zf04JnPY/s1600/Bosh.jpg
  4. Flop or not Harden is doing a solid job on Kobe
  5. Wow this is a lot better than the reg browser
  6. Best part of that video is Petro missing 3 lay-ups in a row. -_-
  7. Anything short of a championship is a loss. With that said, I would rather be a lottery team.
  8. Fiction. The Spurs? And the Heat suck balls against top teams. F/F: The Knicks were better off keeping their roster the way it was instead of blowing it up for Melo.
  9. DERON WILLIAMS ......... http://www.rapgodfathers.info/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/troll2.gif
  10. lmao, DWill just said in his post game interview that he said "Go Jazz" in his first Nets huddle just to [expletive] with them hahahaha
  11. To be fair Brook didn't get many touches this game.
  12. Fiction, no way they beat any of the top 4 teams in the east. Fact or Fiction: The Nets will sign David West in the off-season.
  13. Solid game. Chemistry is obviously not there yet. Also, Vujashit and OutLOL are [expletive]ing awful but that's nothing new.
  14. Just saw the highlight and damnnnnn Lebron wasn't even close on that last shot
  15. Hahahaha his free throws at 11:05ish
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