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Everything posted by Guru

  1. Hahahahaha WHAT?!?!? A laptop screen distracts you LESS than texting? What the [expletive]? You have clearly never sat behind some one looking at crazy pictures from the night before on Facebook. It is the most distracting thing in the world. With texting you don't even [expletive]ing see anything. The making noises point is dumb as well because you make the same if not more noise while typing. Plus I have an iPhone so I don't make any noise texting. Once again goes back to the point college students are supposed to be adults. And many of them are. I've had 40-60 year olds in my classes. I guess community college is different because it is 13th grade but at University's you are treated and expected to act like an adult. Everyone already does it. Welcome to 2011.
  2. All the time at Werblin. Sometimes at the outside courts on Livi Haha, I've played with the some of the players on the men's football team before. So much fun because they were actually on my team. Just throw up lobs, play bad D (because it doesn't matter if your player passes you if behind you is a 6-9 250 pound man) and chuck 3's.
  3. This. He is going to go play with MJ when he comes back next year. Duh
  4. And most students only use their laptops to go on facebook. Your point is completely flawed. I'm in the college classes where there are hundreds of students and texting, laptop usage, leaving in the middle, etc is allowed in all of them. You have to understand that it is no longer the professors job to deal with students distracting other students. It is the students job. If it is really that big of a distraction, move or tell them to stop. It works. People are mature in real colleges.
  5. Ahh first time playing ball in a while today. Feels so [expletive]ing good. Too bad it's supposed to snow again on Tuesday -_-
  6. Do I think Chris Paul would chose Melo over Amare? [expletive] yes.
  7. Ugh you are so damn stupid. -_- What is the difference between a laptop and a phone these days? You can IM on your laptop, you can take notes on your phone. How does the teacher know you are texting and not taking notes? If they allow laptops, you have to allow phones. If you don't allow laptops, you can encourage your students not to text but at the end of the day they will anyways. What college do you go to anyways?
  8. First day of fish pills yesterday. Pretty big capsules but not to bad going down. No fish tasting burps thank god. Next update on the pills will probably be in a week.
  9. tl;dr I'm not going to argue with you over something stupid like this. And congrats, you've had atleast 20 teachers. Well I've had over 30 and graduate next year. Not really sure what the [expletive] you are trying to prove there so that is where I stopped reading.
  10. Not at Rutgers. Or any real school. You are paying to be there, they are being paid to lecture. It is not high school any more. Whether or not it is a distraction, their job is not to make sure you are paying attention but to LECTURE the class. Not teach, lecture. They aren't teachers, they are professors.
  11. Lmao. What's next? No hats? Asking to go to the bathroom? Hahaha that sucks man. For us we can leave, arrive, text as we please. I take like a boge break or two during my long classes all the time haha.
  12. Can she actually drop you? That's [expletive]ing weird man. I would think the only thing she could do is fail you
  13. Rose truly played like a MVP tonight.
  14. It was probably just a leak from the Nuggets camp to try to get the Knicks to give up more. Figures.
  15. http://freshnewmusik.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/fashawn-higher-learning.jpg 8/10
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